CHAPTER 51 Buffy and Willow spent the rest of the day together, something that they hadn't had the chance to do in a long time. Willow asked Buffy how Angel was, as she had not seen him since her kidnapping. “He's good. I think it took a little more out of him than he's willing to admit. We train together sometimes. It's nice. Will?” “Yeah?” “Is it okay... if I tell Angel about, you know. You and Giles?” “Um... I guess so, I don't see why not. I haven't decided if I'm going to tell Xander yet. May... maybe I'll let Rupert do it,” she smiled hesitantly. “No... that wouldn't be right, I could always wait for Rupert to come home, and we could tell him. Or I could do it myself... I don't know what I'm going to do about Xander. Buffy?” “I'll back you all the way Will, what ever you decide to do,” Buffy replied, reaching over and squeezing Willow's shoulder. “Thanks Buffy.” “Willow... honey?” Mrs. Rosenberg called outside where Buffy and Willow had been sitting. “Yes mom?” “There's a Miss Foster on the phone for you.” Buffy and Willow looked at each other. “Okay... I'll be right there,” she answered her mother. “So...?” she ventured. “Yeah... she's probably looking for me,” Buffy said. “Do you think she knows?” Willow asked as they made their way into the house. “Most likely,” Buffy replied. Picking up the receiver, Willow said, “Hello?” “Willow... hi, this is Shae... Miss Foster,” she heard the voice say. “Um... hi Miss Foster. What can I do for you?” “I called Buffy's house, and her mother told me that I could find her with you. Is she still there?” “Yes, hold on,” clasping her hand over the mouthpiece, Willow gave Buffy the phone, “It's for you.” “Hi Shae. What's up?” It seemed odd to Willow hearing her friend call Miss Foster by her first name. It wasn't that Rupert had never said not to, it just seemed more natural to call him by his surname. “Thank goodness I've found you. I've been given some very important news and we have to talk. Can you come to the library, say in an hour?” Shae asked. “Yeah, I'll see you there,” Buffy replied. “Great, I'll talk to you later, bye.” “So long.” Buffy hung up the phone and looked over at Willow. “Umm... I've got to get to the library, big news,” Buffy shrugged. “Do... do you want me to go with you?” Willow asked. “Nah, I'll be fine. It's not like I don't know what she's going to say, you know. I've got to get going, she wants to see me in an hour.” “Oh... if you want to wait around, I can get my dad to drop you off? If you'd like?” “That's okay Will. I've got some thinking to do; this will give me the chance to do it. I'm sorry... about cutting the visit short, and... well this thing about Giles.” “It's not your fault Buffy...” “You're right, I know that, really I do. We'll have to do this again... soon.” Willow could see how Buffy was trying to change the subject, and she let her. “No problem...” “I'm going to grab my stuff from upstairs, I'll be right back,” Buffy said. “Okay... Buffy? Are you sure you don't want a ride?” “Nah... I've got to walk off the lunch your mom made,” Buffy smiled. A few minutes later, she came down. In the brief moments before Buffy came back, Willow thought about what was going to happen. In almost every sense of the word, Buffy was getting a new Watcher. It wasn't something she liked. Miss Foster was going to become Buffy's new Watcher. For longer than anyone anticipated... The thought that this might become a reality someday scared her. She hoped that Rupert was doing well. The entire situation made her realize, how important Rupert had become in her life. He would be coming home soon, he had told her. But... What if? “Okay... I'm good to go,” Buffy said carrying her pack on her shoulder. Shaking herself out of the thoughts that threatened to engulf her, Willow put on her best smile. She didn't want Buffy to wonder what was going on. “I'm glad you came over Buffy,” Willow said as they both walked towards the front door. “So am I. I'll see you tomorrow, thank your parents for me. Bye,” Buffy told her as she gave Willow a good-bye hug. “Take care of yourself.” “I will, you too. I'll talk to you later,” Willow replied, watching her friend walk away from her house and down the street. Closing the front door, Willow went to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet, she poured herself a glass of orange juice. “Did Buffy leave?” her mother asked sitting at the kitchen table. Willow hadn't noticed that she was there. “Um, yeah. She said thank you. She had to do something,” Willow said. “I like her, she seems very nice,” Mrs. Rosenberg said. “Next to Xander, she's my best friend,” Willow replied honestly. “And all this time I was thinking I was your best friend,” Willow's Mother said. Placing her glass down, Willow rushed over to her mother. “OH... but you are mom. You are, this is different. No one's going to replace you, they couldn't even if they tried,” Willow said hugging her mother. “Willow... I know that, it's really nice to hear though,” she replied, kissing her daughter on the cheek. “I love you mom,” Willow whispered in her mother's ear. “I love you too sweetie, next to your father, there isn't anyone I love more. Now, get out of here before we start crying on each other's shoulders.” Willow smiled and nodded her head. She left her mother in the kitchen and went back to her bedroom. She flopped down on her bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what Rupert was up to.
London, England Giles was having difficulty falling asleep. He had even gone to the kitchen and made himself a glass of warm milk, with no effect. He was thinking... About Willow... About Willow's father. Giles knew that he would have to ask him for Willow's hand in marriage. “Oh... dear!” he said to himself. He wasn't sure what was scaring him the most... Fighting against some demon spawn... Or meeting Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg. “Will I need to convert?” he wondered aloud. There was almost nothing he would not do for her. He desperately hoped that they would allow him to court her. For although he had proposed, and she accepted... He believed that Willow's parents would want a period of time to pass prior to allowing him to marry their daughter. Which he fully understood. She was after all, their only child, they would want to make sure that she was absolutely sure about her decision. That this wasn't some sort of infatuation on her part. And that he was serious in his intentions towards her... And not out of some elicit intent on his part. Giles knew he didn't want to rush the wedding. Not that he didn't fully intend to marry her as soon as could. But, he wanted Willow to continue her education. A mind like hers should be nurtured and encouraged to reach its fullest potential. It would kill him to see her waste away, mentally. He had waited all this time to tell her that he loved her... He could..... would wait awhile longer. He needed to discuss this with Willow. This was as much her decision as it was his.
Rosenberg Residence “That was close,” Willow uttered out-loud, thinking back to the patrol she had come from. Buffy, Xander, Miss Foster and herself had gone to 'Peaceful Slumber Cemetery' earlier that evening. She and Xander were crouched in the shrubs ten feet away from a new burial site. Buffy and Miss Foster were at another gravesite two rows down from them. “Will?” Xander whispered gripping the stake he carried with him tightly. “Yes Xander?” Willow replied turning to see her friend staring back at her. “How are things going... with G'man?” “Wha... what? What... do you mean? What have you heard, not that's there's anything to hear,” she replied, her blood pounding in her ears. Confused, Xander replied, “Like, how is he doing? I haven't heard anything, that's why I'm asking. What did you think I meant?” “Ohh... um... he's fine. He can't wait to come back... and nothing,” she answered. “Okay...” Xander trailed off. They both decided to turn their attentions back to the gravesite when Xander was attacked. It was so sudden, that neither of them were prepared for it. “XANDER!!” He was thrown back; rolling on the ground, trying to keep himself from being the newly risen vampire's first meal. “WILL!!” Xander yelled out, keeping the vampire, the former Jerald Page from sinking his fangs into his neck. “HEY... WHY... WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEONE YOU'RE OWN SIZE!!!” Willow screamed, looking for the stake Xander had dropped. Willow could hear Buffy fighting behind her, but couldn't stop to see what was happening. “MAN... a little mouthwash would do you wonders!” Xander quipped, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. Willow finally spotted the stake, lying a few feet away. Making a dash for it, she gripped it, feeling the grain of the wood against her palm. She held the stake ready... Waiting for the moment to strike. 'NOW!!' her mind screamed at her when the opportunity presented itself. Bringing the stake down with all her might, she buried it deep in the vampire's unprotected back. Falling on top of Xander when the vampire exploded into a cloud of dust. “Oooff,” Xander uttered as Willow knocked the wind out of him. “Xander... Xander answer me, are you okay?” she asked, checking to see if he had been injured. “Will?” he wheezed. “Yes?” “Air...” “What?” “Can't breathe... I need air.” “Oh... gosh... I'm sorry Xander,” she told him as she rolled off and kneeled at his side. Looking over her shoulder, she watched as Buffy dispatched another vampire. Miss Foster ran to them. “Are you two okay?” she asked, concern evident on her face and in her voice. “I'm fine... Xander, Xander just got the wind knocked out of him.” “That's a relief.” “How's Xander?” Buffy asked brushing the vampire out of her coat. “Xander's fine,” he answered. “Where did Mr. Halitosis's friend come from?” he asked getting back up to his feet. “I'm not sure,” Buffy replied looking around. “I wasn't expecting any others,” she placed her hand on Xander's shoulder. “Are you sure you're okay?” “I'm fine. I just got knocked on my butt, and needed Will to save my life. Sure... I'm great,” he sulked. “Can't keep you down for long Xander,” Buffy replied. They had patrolled for another hour before Miss Foster had called it an evening. After dropping Xander off first, Miss Foster drove to Willow's house. “Are you okay Will? You know... about staking?” Buffy asked. “Umm... I guess. I didn't really think about it. Xander was in trouble and he needed my help,” she replied. “Well, if you ever feel that you want to talk to someone, I hope you'll consider speaking with me sometime,” Miss Foster said. “Thanks... I'll, I'll keep that in mind.”
Willow sat on her bed. She had given it some thought. She had staked a vampire before. No big deal... Yet, she couldn't explain the rush that was surging in her body. 'I'm okay... just some nervous energy,' she thought. She walked over to her computer; she logged on to the Internet and checked her e-mail. She pouted, there was nothing from Rupert. She was getting used to seeing a message from him almost everyday now. He'd write to tell her how his day had gone, asking her about school, Buffy and the others. Sometimes he'd type some piece of poetry that he thought she might like... Having said that he wasn't as good with words as others were. That's where he was wrong. Shelley, Keats, Shakespeare, all the others couldn't hold a candle to the simplicity of Rupert's words... “I love you.” Sighing, Willow wondered what Rupert was hinting about. He had been very enigmatic when he wrote to her saying that there was something they needed to discuss on Saturday. She sent him a quick note, then she went to her bookmarks and selected a site she enjoyed visiting. Once the site had appeared, she clicked on 'new stories'. “Oooh, that looks good,” she whispered, as she downloaded several stories onto disk from the site. After she had a few saved, she logged off the Internet and proceeded to read the stories. Willow spent the next hour or so reading the exploits of Special Agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. She found that of all the stories she'd read, she was particularly fond of the stories that were 'Pre X-Files'. She thought it was interesting to see how Mulder and Scully would have been together, if not for the X-Files. “Oh... they're so good,” she murmured as she finished the last story. She found herself wondering what Rupert was like before he became a Watcher as she drifted to sleep.
CHAPTER 52 Willow had been in the library most of the afternoon, being 'net girl'. “Again Buffy,” she heard Miss Foster say. She glanced over and saw Buffy flat on her back, with Miss Foster standing to the side of her. She knew that Rupert had sent an e-mail to Miss Foster, about Buffy's training. They were working on Buffy's blocking techniques. It surprised both Buffy and herself that Miss Foster had been able to knock Buffy down on more than one occasion. Flipping back to her feet, Buffy went into her fighting stance. “Never underestimate your attacker Buffy. Even the weakest opponent can surprise you,” Miss Foster said as she begun another attack. Willow watched. It was an amazing sight to see. Buffy was definitely in her element when she was fighting. She could tell that Miss Foster was holding nothing back. Willow cringed when Miss Foster landed a sweeping backhand to Buffy's face, snapping Buffy's head to one side. Blocking the next punch, Buffy was finally able to find the opening in Shae's defenses to flip her onto her back. Buffy quickly dropped to the mat and grabbed Shae's arm, pulling it away from her side and straight out. Taking the arm between her legs, she placed her left foot against Shae's neck and her other foot under Shae's arm. Buffy leaned back, hyper extending Shae's arm. “Give up Shae?” Buffy asked, putting more pressure on the arm. Unable to look in Buffy's direction, Shae tapped on the mat with her other hand, conceding the match to her pupil. Letting go, Buffy got up and helped Shae get to her feet. “Nice,” Shae said, cradling her arm. “I didn't hurt you? Did I?” Buffy asked concerned. Gingerly shaking her arm, Shae replied, “No... I'm fine.” “That's a new move isn't it Buffy?” Willow asked. “Yeah. Not only could I have dislocated an elbow, I can also knock someone out with a quick kick to the face,” Buffy answered, reaching for the bottled water she had brought with her. “Willow? Where's Xander? I haven't seen him today. He's alright isn't he?” Shae asked. “Oh... he's fine. He needed to get fitted for next week's dance with Cordelia, at her father's country club,” Willow replied. “He left as soon as school was out.” “So, he's actually doing it huh?” Buffy asked. “No choice,” Willow answered. “Poor guy. Hey... Will? How's Giles?” “He's fine, I guess. I didn't get any e-mail from him last night,” Willow shrugged. “You two keep in touch?” Shae asked, as she started to roll up the practice mat. “Umm... yes. He... he likes to keep abreast... he likes to know what's happening,” Willow replied. “That's nice. I'd probably like to know what's happening to everyone as well,” Shae uttered. “So... what's on tonight's agenda?” Buffy asked. “Unfortunately, I've have things I need to take care of. Principal Snyder is having a meeting tomorrow and he wants to know why Rupe... Mr. Giles hasn't completed the budget for the library for the rest of the year,” Shae answered. “So, no patrol?” Willow asked. “You could go Buffy, I know you've gone alone or with some sort of back-up before. But, I'd rather you didn't go tonight,” Shae replied. “No patrolling sounds good. I've actually have to study for a make-up test tomorrow. I'll do the study gig.” “Well, I guess I'll head on home then. I've been meaning work on my levitation spell for a while now. I haven't quite gotten it down yet, I need to learn to control my emotions,” Willow stated. “Levitation? How far have you progressed?” Shae asked. “Can you lift heavy objects?” “Um... not... not very far. Heavy objects? No... a pencil... but... that... that has lead in it... and... and lead is heavy,” Willow boasted. “Well... that's a start,” Shae said smiling.
Buffy and Willow left the school together. Willow enjoyed these moments with Buffy. When it was just them. Walking down the street without a care in the world. No vampires... No prophecies... Just two best friends. Willow wasn't sure what the future held for either of them. Although she had, with Rupert's consent, read the diaries of previous Watchers. She knew that no Slayer had lived past their twenty-first birthday. None. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she was going to do everything in her power to make sure that wasn't going to happen this time. But, for this brief moment... All was right in the world. Their laughter trailing behind them... It would become one of many cherished memories for Willow in her later years.
Willow's mother had asked Buffy for dinner, Buffy explained that she couldn't and asked for a rain check. Hugging Willow before she left, Buffy strolled down the walkway and headed home, a slight bounce in her step. Willow went upstairs to her room and practiced the levitation spell for an hour or more, before going downstairs for dinner. After spending some time with her parents, Willow decided to go upstairs and write in her journal. 'Thursday, You'll never guess in a million years what happened last Saturday. Give up? Rupert... My Rupert... Sexy, handsome, kissably wonderful, Rupert proposed to me... EEEEEEEK!!!!!!! Yes, I said Rupert. And yes, I said he is sexy, handsome, exceptionally kissable, and definitely wonderful. I wished I'd taped the way he asked me. It was... different. I don't think he even realized that he said it, before he said it. Hmm... does that make sense? It does to me. Buffy knows. I'm not sure if she's told Angel yet. I haven't asked her if she told him. Willow was distracted from her musings when she heard a tapping noise. Looking around her room, she tried to locate the sound. Tap... Tap... Tap. It was coming from her sliding glass door. Reaching inside her desk drawer, she took out the crucifix she kept there. Walking slowly towards the window, she drew the curtain aside. “Oh... my gosh! Angel?” She followed his gaze. “Oh... I'm sorry,” she said through the door that led to the balcony. “Um... hi Willow,” Angel said as soon as Willow opened the door. “Angel? What are you doing here? Is Buffy hurt?” her heart began racing as she placed the crucifix aside. “No... calm down Willow. Buffy's fine, I... um,” he started to walk towards her, only to be stopped at the doorframe. The spell Willow had cast with Amy's help in order to keep Angelus at bay was still in effect. Willow could see the anguish in his face. “Maybe, we could talk out here?” Angel said, giving her the opportunity to keep the protection spell in place. “Angel,” Willow said as she took three steps back into her bedroom. “Angel, come inside. I invite you to come in.” Seeing him hesitate, she quickly went to him and pulled him inside. “Thank you Willow,” he whispered. “It's nothing. That's what friends do, they come over, they talk... have fun,” she said. “What gives?” “I just wanted to see how you're doing?” he told her, fidgeting. “Angel, why don't you sit down?” Sitting down by her desk, he shoved his hands into his pockets. “As you can see, I'm doing well. How are you?” she said. “Great... one hundred percent. I... uh... I hear congratulations are in order.” He saw her puzzled face. “Your betrothal? Your engagement?” he was hoping he wasn't wrong, that he'd heard Buffy correctly. “OH... yeah. Thanks... it's still kinda new, I've got to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming,” Willow replied her face beaming. “I guess I don't have to ask if you're happy?” “I've never been happier in my life. Except when I got sick and didn't have to go to my piano recital,” she said. Smiling Angel replied, “Well, I'm happy for you Willow, I'm very happy.” “Thank you Angel. Um... I'd like you to be there.” “There?” he asked. “I'd like you to come to my wedding. I don't think there'd be a problem of having the ceremony at dusk?” “I'd be very honored to attend Willow. Thank you for asking... but.” “Oh... don't worry Angel. I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I know just the place. It's a very special spot, it's very beautiful.” “I'll be there, just name the date.” It was good to see Angel again, he had been injured while rescuing her and she'd never forget it. She wanted to include him, wanted to know how much she cared about him. “Um... I've got to go...” “So soon?” Willow asked. “Yeah, I just wanted to say congratulations... and... and to give you this.” Angel stood up and reached into his pocket and took out a small box. “Angel?” “Consider this an early wedding present,” he said, handing her the box. “I hope you like it.” Taking the wrapping off, Willow opened the box. “Oh... Angel,” she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. “It... it was my sister's, Megan. I... I thought... you two would have liked each other. You remind me of her sometimes,” he said, the ache evident in his voice. Her hands shook as she lifted the cameo out. She looked at Angel. Her embrace surprised him. He never saw her move. “Thank you Angel.” “Thank you Willow, for being my friend,” he whispered as he held her. “Angel?” “Hmm?” he answered, pulling away from her slightly. “I don't think I could have ever had a nicer brother... if I had one,” she said, the tears finally falling down her face. He should have expected it; he knew how caring Willow was. The comment hit him... Hard. He hugged her again. Trying to convey the love he had for his sister, Megan. “I'd better get going,” he said, his voice filled with emotions, releasing her from the hug. “Are you sure?” Willow asked. “Yeah.” “Come by anytime Angel, you're always welcome here.” “Giles is a very lucky man Willow,” he said, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. “Thank you. But, I'd like to think I'm the lucky one.” “I'll see you later,” he said, as he stepped outside. “Take care.” “Bye Willow,” he told her as he quickly disappeared from view. Looking down at the cameo, Willow smiled, wiping at the tears with the back of her hand. Closing the door, she walked back to the computer. Placing the gift next to her computer, Willow re-read what she had typed. “Okay,” she said to herself, then began to type once again. I guess I don't need to know if Angel knows, he just left. He gave me a cameo; he said it was an early wedding present... It belonged to his sister Megan... He told me I remind him of her... I invited him to the wedding. I know, I know I'm probably rushing things, but I want him to be there... He's been an important part of all of our lives... Good and bad. I'm glad that Miss Calendar and I were able to locate a spell that anchored Angel's soul permanently. I shudder to think what would have happen if we didn't find it as quickly as we did. Angelus did manage to surface briefly... But, that's behind us. I don't think Angel will ever forgive himself, for what he did, while he was... away? He did say that he'd get me new fish if I wanted. Sighing, Willow thought about how she felt when she found her fish. Shivering, she looked back at the cameo. She forgave him, it took him awhile to believe her, and she wasn't sure if he really had. I haven't decided how I'm going to tell Xander... I'm not sure I could. I'll have to speak with Rupert about this on Saturday; hopefully my parents won't be here... MY PARENTS!! WOW! I never even thought about them... Oh... They have to let me marry Rupert... Not that they could stop me, not now... Well, that's not entirely true... They can still stop me, at least for another two months. I don't want to disappoint them... I want my mother to be with me when I get married... I want to dance with my father... I want them to be happy for me. I've got to talk this over with Rupert. Looking at her watch, Willow noticed that it was after midnight. Technically, it was Saturday. Closing the file, Willow brought up copies of e-mails Rupert had sent her. “Ah... there you are,” she said. Grabbing the telephone, she opened her desk drawer and took out a phone card she had bought. After following the instructions on the back of the card, she dialed the number Rupert had given her.
Giles was about to leave his room to get something to eat, when his phone rang. Crossing the room he picked-up the receiver. “Hello? May I help you?” “Rupert?” “Willow?”
CHAPTER 53 “Rupert? We need to talk.” At first Giles was ecstatic hearing Willow's voice, then the words, 'We need to talk,' sent shivers down his spine. It reminded him of when he was a child and he had done something wrong, his father would say, 'Young man... we need to talk.' “Rupert, are you still there?” “Yes... Willow, I'm here.” “There are some issues we haven't discussed yet, and... and I think it's time.” Swallowing first before asking, “Such as?” “My parents...” “Your parents? Yes... yes of course. I was thinking about talking about this very situation with you later today. But... ah... it seems as if you've beaten me to the punch, so to speak.” “You wanted to talk about my parents?” “Yes... I believe I should ask your father's permission for your hand in marriage. And... there's also the matter of your further education.” “You want to ask my dad? Wow. I... I didn't think people still did that, I mean not outside romance novels or not... not... that I read romance novels... oh, no, not me,” she said taking a quick peek where she had a few books stashed away. “Wait! What about my education?” Giles smiled at her response, wondering where she would have kept those kinds of novels in her room. “Willow, you have the most remarkable mind I have ever had the privilege to come across. I would be most distressed if you didn't continue your education.” “I still want to go to school, Rupert...” “And so you should. You... um... you could go to Oxford?” “Oxford University? I know my parents have set aside money for me, but that's in England Rupert. I don't think they could afford it.” “Darling, you will most likely have full scholarships to the most prestigious universities in the country being thrown your way.” “But Oxford?” “Well... besides being my alma matter, um... well. The Society... it provides full scholarships to... um... to family members, as well as to people who may... may become Watchers eventually.” “Family members... I... I like the sound of that Rupert,” Willow replied. Giles wished he could have seen her smile, could hold her once more. He could imagine them sitting on his couch, her head in the crook of his shoulder, their hands entwined. “Wait! Wouldn't that... wouldn't that mean we'd be apart... again?” “Yes... yes it does.” “I don't like this Rupert. I can't stand being away from you now. What makes you think I'm going to enjoy being away from you for what... four years?” she said, starting pacing in her room. “I sincerely doubt it would take you four years to accomplish your education dearest,” he told her. “Thanks for the vote of confidence Rupert, but, I don't want to be away from you for however long it takes. I love you, I want to be married to you... spend the best times of my life with you. I want to be there when... when you need me most. When I need you the most. I want to see you the first thing in the morning, lie beside you and have your face the last thing I see at night. I... I want to have children with you,” she said, whispering the last comment. She did, she realized, she did want to have children with him. It had never entered her mind before, but it suddenly seemed the most logical thing in the world to her. Of course, she'd want to have him all to herself first, before sharing what they felt for one another with someone else. “I... I don't know what to say?” Which was the truth, she had stunned him with that revelation. “Just tell me that you love me,” she whispered, needing to hear those words from him. “I do... I do. I can't tell you how much you mean to me, I love you so much it hurts sometimes...” “It hurts?” “It's not painful... much. I can't explain it... I wouldn't do it justice. You are everything to me Willow, everything I could ever want, or ever need. I'm lost without your presence in my life. I thought I was living... until I met you. I found out how empty my life had really been without you in it...” Willow had stopped pacing and moved to her bed, sitting down. “I want so much to be with you right now, at this very moment,” he began saying. “To shower you with kisses, run my fingers through your hair, smell your shampoo... being in your presence is intoxicating to me. I lose my train of thought at times... I'm ... uh... I'm not sure if you've ever noticed?” “Sometimes,” Willow said. She was being swept away by his words. “You... you did?” he asked. “You'd... you'd get this far away look on your face sometimes. I... I always thought you were thinking about... Miss Calendar,” she said. “You... you thought I was thinking about Jenny?” “Yeah... you'd get this look on your face whenever she'd drop by,” she answered. “Oh... Willow. No... I... Miss Calendar and I, we, never. No... I, I was thinking about the advice she gave me once. Ah, well, I, I was thinking about the many ways I might attempt telling, about, yes, about how I felt about you.” “Oh?” she didn't know how to react, she sat up quickly, having lain down while he was talking. “Wait! Rupert, are you saying? Does Miss Calendar know about us?” “OH... no Willow, not at all. She knew I was interested in someone else, that's one of the reasons we never continued going out. She didn't know it was you...” “Okay.” “Willow... um, your parents? I want to meet them when I come home. Well, meet them formally, of course.” “You would? Of... of course you would.” “I don't want to do anything that might damage your relationship with them.” “I've been giving that some thought myself,” Willow said. “You have?” “As you know, my birthday is coming up very shortly Rupert.” “Yes.” “They... my parents could only keep me from marrying you until then. After that...” “Willow, I would never want you to choose between us. No... I love you too much to put you through that. I would just have to work on making them see that I truly love you.” “But Rupert...” “Wait... hear me out, please.” “Alright.” “If we were to get married and your parents... and other family members weren't there, it wouldn't be the same. You share a remarkable relationship with them, although they are away at times because of business. I've heard you talk about them, I... I couldn't live with myself if I were a part of it's... it's break-up. You would resent me for it...” “Rupert... how could you say that?” “I don't want to Willow, believe me when I say I don't want to.'s... um, it's something I'm afraid would happen. Not right away, I feel you would be devastated by their decision not to be there with you.” “You're right. I would... but Rupert? How could they think by keeping us apart that I'd be happy? I would be crushed if you weren't in my life. I want them to share in my joy, that I've found someone to share my life with. I love my parents Rupert, I will never stop loving them, but how could they make me stop loving you?” “Willow... I promise you, I'll do whatever I have to do, to make them see how much we love each other.” “I know you will Rupert. I know you will.” Willow heard a voice on her end of the phone. “You now have one minute remaining.” “Rupert... I have to go; my phone card is about to run out... I love you.” “Call me back... call me collect... I love...” Giles heard the dial tone on his end. Willow dialed the operator and within a short time she was connected once more. “Willow?” “It's me.” “I... I don't want to keep you up much longer...” “I'm fine Rupert, honestly.” “Good.” “We didn't finish talking about school Rupert.” “You're right, we didn't.” “I'm not sure if I could honestly do this again Rupert.” “Do what Willow?” “This long distance thing, and I would never expect you to put you duties aside again... not for me. Buffy needs you, maybe more than I do right now.” “You're right, I don't like it either. We'll... um, we'll have to give this considerable thought.” “I... I could always attend junior college here, or... or even accept a scholarship to either USC or UCLA, if it's offered. I could come back home on the weekends? At least we'd be able to see each other,” Willow said. “That's something to look into, but I don't want you to choose either of them, if it's not what you really want to do. I can't ask that of you, it would be right,” he sighed. “We'll figure something out Rupert.” “Yes... I... I do believe we will.” “So? How are things going... you know about the inquiry?” Willow asked. “As you know, from my last e-mail, Sir Henry has been keeping me informed. Yesterday was the first day of the proceedings, I'm not sure how long it's going to last, I'm sorry to say.” “Rupert... I... I never thanked you.” “Thanked me? For what?” “For what you did, although you could have been injured.” “Willow,” his voice taking on a softer tone, “I would gladly give my life for you.” “I hope it never comes down to that... ever. I don't know what I'd do without you.” “Willow... I. What are you doing next weekend?” Somewhat puzzled by his abrupt change of subject. “Next weekend? Um... nothing, why?” “Well... I... ah... I may not be able to call exactly at twelve. I have to go into London and I may not be back in time. So, perhaps I can call on Sunday instead?” “Sure, it'll give me a chance to catch up on some things for Miss Foster.” “You like her don't you?” “She's nice, but she's not you Rupert,” Willow answered honestly. “I'll speak with you on Sunday then,” Giles said. “Okay... I love you.” “I love you too, you should get some sleep,” he told her. Willow stifled a yawn. “I think I will... night.” “Good night dearest.” Giles hoped that Willow would not mind about the deception he was about to do. He had only decided to go to London while on the phone with her. He had things to work on before next Saturday. Picking up the phone, he made the arrangements.
Xander had come over to see Willow and to show off the tuxedo he had bought for the dance at Cordelia's father's country club the following Saturday. They spoke about the last time Xander had worn a tuxedo, back in the eighth grade. Willow had taken Xander by the hand and led him downstairs; she had wanted her parents to see how good he looked in it. And that it wasn't the fact that she was his best friend, and was saying it to be nice. “My... don't you look handsome,” Mrs. Rosenberg said. “Wait... I'll be right back, don't you go anywhere,” rushing out of the living room. “See,” Willow told him, slapping his arm playfully. “I told you. You look good in it Xander.” “Okay, Willow, honey?” Mrs. Rosenberg said, bringing a camera with her. “OH... Mom! No...” Willow protested, waving her hands in front of her. “Mrs. Rosenberg... that isn't necessary, really... it isn't,” Xander said. “Hush. Now, Willow, stand by Xander.” Xander noticed the same look on Willow's mother face that he had seen on his friend's face more times than he'd care to admit. The infamous, resolve face. Rolling her eyes, Willow took a step and stood closer to Xander. Xander bent towards her and whispered, “We'll have to burn the evidence later, you do know that don't you?” he smiled. It was at that moment that Mrs. Rosenberg took the photograph. “There you go. That didn't hurt did it?” “Much,” Xander uttered under his breath. “No, Mrs. Rosenberg, it didn't hurt at all. Well, I'd like to stay and chat, but I've got to get out of this monkey suit.” “I'll see you tomorrow?” Willow asked. “Sure you will. I'm going to take this off, I'll be right back,” Xander said, heading off to the bathroom. “He looked alright,” Mr. Rosenberg said, staying out of the way of his wife. “You like him dear, you know you do,” Willow's mom stated. “I never said I didn't,” her father replied. “Okay... I'm going. Bye everyone,” Xander said after he had changed back into his regular clothes. “See you later Xander,” Willow told him.
CHAPTER 54 Willow was kept occupied the rest of the week, searching prophecies that would affect the Hellmouth. By the time the weekend rolled by, Willow and the others were exhausted. They had done battle with a demon that wanted to open the Hellmouth, and use it to draw on the power emanating from it. Miss Foster had finally seen a demon face-to-face, close enough to feel its breath on her face. A vampire was something she had dealt with... A demon was something all together different. It had taken a combined effort to defeat it. They had all been hurt in one form or another. Cordelia had told Xander that she would understand if he didn't feel like going to the dance. Not after everything she had witnessed. Which shocked the entire Scooby gang. Even Xander did a double take, going as far as placing a hand on her forehead to make sure she wasn't feverish. The comment made Willow want to perform a spell to make sure it was Cordy, and not another demon taking her place. Xander then shocked everyone by letting Cordelia know that he wasn't going to miss the dance because of what had happened. Besides, she had helped him out when he was in desperate need, not that he would ever tell her that. Even with her exceptional strength, Buffy sought out the relative comfort from one the chairs in the library. Angel was by her side, holding her hand, offering whatever comfort he could, in a crowded room. “Oh... okay. Um... I think we should call it a night. Good job everyone,” Miss Foster said, somewhat for a loss of words. Cordelia and Xander were the first to leave, but not before telling Willow to get home and get some sleep. “I will, I'm just going to help clean up a bit,” she told him. “Then we... I should stay too,” he said. “Nah, that's okay Xander. You should get Cordelia home,” she replied. “Alright, I'll talk to you later, bye everyone.” Angel and Buffy left an hour later, and only because Miss Foster told her to do so. Willow made it up to her room sluggishly, after she had been dropped off. The house was quiet, which wasn't unusual, as it was two in the morning. But, it was quieter, as her parents had left for their trip to New York earlier in the afternoon. Pushing her bedroom door open, Willow let her backpack slide off her shoulder and fall to floor without a second's hesitation. Next came her sweater, she vaguely wondered if she could get demon blood out of it, or would it be just another victim, and end up in the trash? Stumbling towards her bed, she flopped face down; she didn't even bother taking off her shoes, as she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
DING-DONG!! Opening one eye, then deciding the best course of action would be to keep it closed against the harshness of the sun streaming into her room. “Arghhh!!” she muttered into her pillow, something had woken her up. DING-DONG!!! There it was again... Rolling over, she pushed herself off her bed. DING-DONG!!! “This better be the end of the world as we know it,” she grumbled. DING-DONG!!!! “I'll be right there!!!” she shouted, running downstairs. 'Who could be here this early in the morning?' For the briefest seconds her heart stood still. 'Not mom and dad please... no, someone would have called.' She kept that thought in her head. DING-DONG!!!!! “If this isn't someone telling me I've won twenty-five million dollars, I hope you have good insurance!” she said as she opened the door without checking who it was first. “I do believe I do... have good insurance,” came the reply. Willow blinked a few times, and then she shut the door. DING-DONG!!!! Cautiously, Willow opened the door once more. “That wasn't the hello I was expecting.” “Ah... hello?” “Willow... are you alright?” Willow kept blinking, thinking she's dreaming... 'That's it, I'm dreaming,' she sighed. “Willow?” “Ru... Rupert?” She took a step towards her fantasy. “Giles?” She wasn't sure anymore, her fantasy smiled back at her. “Yes... I believe that's what it states on my birth certificate,” he quipped. “It's you,” she whispered, hoping she wasn't still upstairs in her bed. “RUPERT!!!” She cried out, jumping into his arms. Giles winced as Willow hugged him tightly, but the pain was erased by the kisses she was placing on his face. “Willow, I do believe we should go in, don't you? I'm not sure it would do us any good to have your parents... by the way, where are they? I thought your father would have answered the door,” he asked. “Oh... yeah. Come in... come in. They're in New York,” she said, practically dragging him into her house. She closed the door behind her, only to open it a few seconds later and bring his bag inside. Willow pulled on his good arm, walking backwards into the living room. It was as if she were afraid to take her eyes off him, even for the briefest seconds. If she did, she'd turn around and he'd be gone. “It's really you, isn't IT?” she asked. “Yes... it's really me. I hope you're not upset with me? For just showing up without telling you, I decided I had to see you again. The phone calls and e-mails are quite nice, but I've missed you terribly.” He said smiling, and then he cocked his head to one side and frowned, “What happened Willow?” he asked gently turning her face to one side, seeing a purplish bruise on her cheek. “Oh... that?” “Yes, that,” he replied. “We had sort of run in with a demon last night,” she told him. “Rupert, I'm fine... I ducked a second too late that's all. It doesn't hurt.” 'Anymore,' she thought. Giles crushed Willow to him. “Rupert?” she said, her voice muffled by his chest. She felt his right hand move through her hair. “Rupert, what's wrong? You're scaring me,” she said. “I'm... I'm sorry Willow,” he said, brushing his lips on her forehead. He wasn't really sorry; he couldn't help feeling helpless in the situation. “Rupert, let's sit down,” she said, tucking her legs under her as she sat on the couch, keeping his hand in hers. “Hey... you don't have a sling anymore?” she had just noticed. “Ah... no... no I don't. The doctor replaced it, I should be out of it in another week,” he said. “That's wonderful,” Willow replied, wishing he had never been injured in the first place. “Now, tell me, what's wrong Rupert?” She had a feeling what it was; she wanted to give him the opportunity to talk about it. “I... um... I... it scares me to death that you were hurt. And... ah... there's... there's nothing I could do to prevent it from happening,” he said. “I thought as much. You know it could have happened even if 'you' were here, don't you?” “Yes... yes, but it doesn't make it any easier to accept.” Willow brought Rupert's right hand up, watching him, watch her. She leaned into his hand, getting lost in the warmth surrounding her. Closing her eyes, she kissed his open palm, hearing his sharp intake of breath. Giles took control of his hand, and trailed his thumb on her cheek, being careful not to put too much pressure on her injured side. He doubted that he could have explained to her that it felt as if his heart had stopped beating, when he saw the bruise. 'She is so beautiful,' he thought. He felt her place her left hand on his thigh, just above his knee, and it burned. Her eyes were still closed, her lips parting slightly. Before he knew it, he had moved closer to her. He kissed her forehead, then her temple. He could hear a moan, but he couldn't tell whom it had come from, but then, he didn't care. He tasted her skin, he kissed her cheek, silently paying homage to the woman he loved. Willow's hand squeezed each time he kissed her. Willow felt her heart pounding, her blood rushing past her ears. Everything was focused on his touch, his lips that were searing her flesh. Giles could see the flush rising on Willow's face, could hear her breath catch each time his lips touched some part of her face. He had known desire... He had known lust... Yet, this was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. This was love... Pure... Sweet... Endearing... Mind-boggling... Everything in-between... Love. Willow wondered how much longer she could take this delicious torture. “I love you Willow,” Giles whispered, as if offering a prayer. Her eyes shot open; his face was inches away from hers. Giles leaned forward, capturing her lips with his. He felt her right hand move to the back of his neck, drawing him closer. She was ambrosia. He thought his memories of the kisses they'd shared would be enough to hold him while he was in England. He was wrong... He nibbled on her bottom lip, tracing it with his tongue. Willow opened up to him, wanting to have more of him. She kept her hand at the back of his neck; she wasn't going to let him go anywhere soon. All the emotions from their parting... The sense of loss... The heartache... Was wrapped into the kiss. They were re-affirming their love for one another. It wasn't until Giles felt Willow's hand start to move up his leg, that he brought the kiss to a close. “Wha... why'd you stop!?!” she gasped, her chest heaving, her pulse racing. She wiped her hand across her forehead. It was suddenly very hot. “Ah... we... we had to... before we lost control,” he told her trying to calm his own breathing; he wasn't sure how much more he could take. He had a feeling, that had it been anyone else but Willow, he wouldn't have stopped. He didn't want to ruin what they had, not that a physical relationship would have been bad. What they had was so precious to him, that he was more than willing to wait. “There's something to be said for going crazy Rupert,” Willow said, her eyes glazed with passion. He couldn't look into them for long; otherwise he would fall under her spell. “I know Willow, I know. There's nothing more I'd like to do right know than to carry you upstairs to your room and make sure you'd never left except to get something to eat and visiting the facilities.” Willow's eyebrows rose. 'Oh... dear God. What did I just say?' he thought panicking. “Promise me something Rupert?” Willow asked, taking hold of his hand once more. “Uh... yes... if... if it's within my power,” he replied, hoping he hadn't scared her off. Looking down quickly, she said, “Promise me... you'll do that on our honeymoon?” she could feel her cheeks redden. “I promise,” he replied, gathering her into his arms, feeling her lay her head on his chest. Snuggling into his warmth, Willow basked in the love she had for him. Closing her eyes, she felt totally, utterly safe and loved. Giles smiled when she made her request, knowing that short of death, there was nothing in this world that could make him break it. He placed his head on hers, closing his eyes. 'Just a few minutes,' he thought, sighing happily.
Willow woke up, her eyes closed, thinking about the dream she just had. The most realistic one she had ever dreamt. Rupert had come home... She smiled as she thought about the kiss and the promise she had made him make. She tried getting up, frowning when she realized that she couldn't. She heard the beating of a steady heartbeat in her ear. Opening her eyes, she looked down and saw why she couldn't move. There were two arms surrounding her, supporting her, and keeping her in place. She found that she was lying on her side, her right arm tucked underneath her, and her left arm resting on a chest... That wasn't hers. Being careful not to wake whomever it was, she looked up. “Rupert?” she whispered, feeling his hold on her tighten. Her face lit up... He was here... She hadn't dreamt the whole thing. And... She had been sleeping in his arms, glancing downwards; she saw that their legs had intertwined. Making it difficult to see where she began and he ended. 'I could get used to this in a hurry,' she thought smiling. Trying to get as close to him as she possibly could. “Um... uh... hello,” Giles said, having been woken up when Willow moved. “How are you?” he asked. “Hi...” she replied, kissing him on the cheek. “Fine, are you hungry? I'm starved,” she asked, making no moves to get up. “As a matter-of-fact, I am,” he said, taking her breath away with another soul searing kiss. “I... I... meant for food!” she squeaked, not that she wouldn't mind another helping. He looked around quizzically, “Funny, so did I.” “Oh, Rupert,” Willow said. “Yes, well, if we're going to have something to eat, I guess we should get up?” not that he wanted to. He had fallen asleep quicker than he had in years. And he knew the reason why... Smiling, he kissed her forehead once more, and began to sit up. “You will be getting up sometime soon, won't you?” he asked, as Willow steadfastly refused to budge. “I guess.” After they had finally let go of one another, Willow helped Giles to his feet. “May I use your restroom please?” he asked. “Oh... yeah, sure, it's through here,” she said, pointing him in the right direction, while he got his bag from the hall. By the time he had the chance to clean up, he smelled something cooking. Following his nose, he found the kitchen, which brought back some pleasant memories. Willow had quickly changed her clothes, and had started breakfast. “Um... hi, I hope you like scrambled eggs?” “That's fine, thank you. You shouldn't have gone through the trouble Willow,” he said as he approached her. “It's no trouble at all.” He found himself drawn to her; wrapping his arms around her waist he placed a light kiss on her cheek, feeling her smile in return. “Is there anything I can help you with?” he asked stepping away from her. Turning to face him, she said, “If you wouldn't mind making toast, I've got everything else under control.” “Right,” he replied, going to the refrigerator and taking the bread out. “Would you like some tea?” she asked, placing the fluffy eggs onto two plates she had nearby. “Orange juice will do,” he said, taking the container out. They spent the next few minutes getting the rest of their breakfast ready, smiling at each other. Sitting down at the kitchen table, they ate in a comfortable silence. 'I wonder if this is what it'll be like when we get married?' Willow thought. Giles knew he had made the right decision coming back to Sunnydale, even if for a few days. If nothing else, the song that he heard playing in the taxi he took from the airport seemed to confirm his decision to make the impromptu trip. 'How did it go?' he thought to himself. 'Oh... yes, let's see...'
'I get weak in the knees,
Oh, I try so hard the words Whenever you come around.' “What's that you're humming Rupert?” Willow asked, seeing a small grin on his face. “What? Oh... I... ah... I didn't know I was humming,” he said slightly embarrassed. “What was it, it sounded familiar to me.” “Oh... just, um, just some song I heard on my way here from the airport. Silly, I don't even know the name of it, in all honesty.” “Okay,” she replied, looking down at her plate. “How long are you staying?” She knew he wasn't going to be staying long, as he'd only brought one bag with him. “Ah... um... until... until Tuesday, I'm afraid.” “That's all?” “Yes... I have to go back. Sir Henry told me that although I won't be allowed to attend the inquiry, I would most likely be called as a witness.” “Oh... well. Um... is there anything you want to do?” She asked, tilting her head to one side as she watched Rupert's face turn the most interesting shade of red. “Something wrong?” “AH... no... um... not at all,” he stuttered, thinking about what had run through his head when she asked the question. “I should call Buffy...” “NO... um... Willow. I... ah... I don't think that would be a good idea.” “Why? I know she'd love to see you again Rupert. She misses you,” Willow said. “I... ah... I didn't fly out here to see her Willow,” he told her. “Oh!”
“Rupert? Will you excuse me for a minute?” she asked. “Of course Willow. I think I'll go outside and sit in the back,” he replied. “I'll be right back,” she said, leaving him. Giles left the kitchen and went outside, taking a deep breath... It smelled like: “Home,” he said to himself. He realized that wherever Willow was, he would consider it home. Willow stood at the door watching silently, as Rupert tilted his face to the sun, accepting the warmth. Her hand clutched the small box she had been given... Only two weeks ago. “Two weeks,” she whispered. It surprised her that so little time had passed. Giles turned around; it felt as if he were being watched. His gaze fell upon Willow's face. She was more beautiful than he thought, than he remembered. “Join me Willow?” he asked holding his right hand outstretched. Nodding her head, she walked towards him, taking his hand in hers. “It's quite a lovely morning, don't you think?” “Probably the best one yet,” Willow replied, the box felt heavy in her hand. “Do you have any plans for today?” he asked, sitting down on the back step. Biting her lip, she answered, “Um... no... no, I don't think so. I'm sure Miss Foster won't need me for anything today.” She was sure of that, because she had left a message on the Watcher's answering machine. “Unfortunately, I don't think I can go into town. I can't risk being seen,” he explained. “We could just relax. Talk?” “I'm sorry Willow, I should have given this more thought...” “Oh... but I love that you're here Rupert. I do...” “We'll think of something, I'm sure,” he said. “You... you could tell me about your family,” Willow said. “If you'd like?” “Oh... yes, I want to know all about you Rupert.” “All right then,” he replied smiling. He looked down to his hand when Willow placed a box into it. He recognized it immediately. Getting up, he said, “Come with me Willow,” taking her by the hand. He led her back into the house. “Would you show me, please? Where you were when we spoke?” Nodding her head, she took him upstairs to her bedroom. “Sorry,” she said as they entered her room, clothes were strewn all over her bed. “I... I wasn't expecting anyone,” she shrugged. “Rest assured Willow, I have seen worse things,” he replied smiling. “I was right here,” she said, indicating the spot. Giles opened the small box and took the ring out. Getting down to one knee, he took Willow left hand in his and said: “Willow Rosenberg, would you do me the greatest honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?” he asked, sliding the ring on her finger. “Yes... yes, I'll marry you Rupert,” she replied, her heart hammering against her chest, her vision clouded with the tears that flowed down her cheek. He took her hand and placed a kiss on it, sealing the proposal. Rising from his position on the floor, he gently wiped the tears away with his thumb. “Dance with me?” he asked. “There's... there's no music.” “We won't need any,” he said, holding his arms out. He wished he didn't have the cast on anymore. Smiling, Willow took a step forward and found herself looking up into his eyes. Giles took her right hand into his left and placed his right hand on her waist. They danced... Separately at first... The significance of the distance between them was not lost on them. Before the dance ended, they had come together. Willow was resting her head on his chest, while Giles had his right hand and arm around her waist. They held onto each other for a few minutes. Willow looked up and saw Rupert's face, his eyes closed, with a peaceful smile on it. There was nothing she wouldn't do to see that face everyday for the rest of her life. She leaned up and gently placed a kiss on his cheek, then settled back down. Giles eyes popped open, he had felt her lips, and he watched in amusement as Willow tried to burrow into his chest. They most likely would have stayed that way in perfect contentment, if the phone hadn't decided to ring at that exact moment. “I knew I should have turned the ringer off,” Willow muttered. Sighing, she let Rupert go and went to the phone. “Hello?” “Yes... um, may I speak to Mr. Giles please?” Willow quickly looked over to Rupert. “I'm sorry... but, but there's no one by that name here...” “Um... I'm terribly sorry Miss Rosenberg, but it's important that I speak with him.” “May I ask who's calling?” “Yes... I'm sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Henry Latham, Sir Henry Latham. I... I know that Rupert left to visit you, Miss Rosenberg. May I please speak with him?” “Hold on...” she placed her hand over the receiver. “Um... it's for you. Someone by the name of Sir Henry Latham,” she watched as Rupert's face fell. Walking towards Willow, he took the phone from her. “Yes Sir Henry?” “Rupert, I'm very sorry to do this to you, but... we need you back on Monday instead of Wednesday. It seems as if Reginald decided to end his presentation sooner than anyone expected.” “I see...” “I've already had your ticket changed to reflect the correct departure date,” Henry told Giles. “This isn't the best timing Sir Henry,” Giles said looking directly at Willow. “I know... I know. If there was any other way, I'm sorry Rupert,” Sir Henry told him. “Yes... I understand,” he said, although he was thinking, 'Damn... damn... damn!' “Rupert?” “Yes Sir Henry?” “May I please speak with Miss Rosenberg?” he asked. “Of... of course,” Giles replied. “Willow? Sir Henry would like to speak with you.” “Me?” Nodding his head, Giles handed Willow the telephone. “Hello?” “Miss Rosenberg?” “Yes...” “First of all, I wanted to apologize to you, Rupert will tell you why after we've hung up. Secondly, I do hope that you'll honor us with your presence in the future. And lastly, congratulations on your impending nuptials.” “Oh... thank you Sir Henry,” Willow replied. “Well, I should let you go now, good-bye Miss Rosenberg. I hope to hear from you,” Henry said. “Good-bye Sir Henry,” Willow said, hanging up. “Okay... why did he apologize?” she asked. “Did he? That was thoughtful of him.” “Rupert?” “I have to leave tomorrow,” he said. “Excuse me?” she asked, her hands resting on her hips, both her eyebrows raised. “The inquiry is moving faster than we... or rather I had anticipated. I'll most likely be called on Monday to testify instead of Wednesday.” “DAMNIT! This isn't fair!! I haven't seen you for weeks, and the first time I do, you have to leave!” Giles let her vent. If the truth were known, he had felt the same way. It wasn't fair. “Why can't I have you to myself without something happening?” Willow pleaded. “And... and don't you dare apologize to me...” Giles watched as Willow took deep breaths in order to calm herself down. “Aren't you going to tell me that I should understand? That... that this is what you do? That... maybe... maybe you should reconsider your proposal? That I'm not old enough to understand? Aren't you?” she asked. Giles sat down on her bed, and patted the empty spot next to him. He knew he had to stop her, before she went any farther, especially after her last comment. “Please?” he asked, when she made no effort to join him. “Please Willow?” She joined him reluctantly. “You're absolutely right... It... it isn't fair. More than anything in this world, I'd... I'd um... I'd like to just stay here and be with you, have you all to myself. I know that isn't possible at the moment. I don't have to tell you to understand, you do... otherwise you would have never brought it up,” he said as he held her hand in his. “Yes... this is a part of what I do, you already know how important my duties are to me. You've proven that yourself, over the last few months. You've placed your life on hold for Buffy and her well-being. And I... um... I would rather die the reconsider my proposal. As to being old enough, granted, you're not old enough for certain things, but Willow,” he gently raised her face, so that she was facing him. “Willow, you're more than old enough to know your feelings.” “You must think I'm an idiot or something.” Laughing, he told her, “That thought never crossed my mind. You and that word can not possibly co-exist, ever.” He watched as a smile began forming on her face. “Yes... well, do you think you could call a taxi for me?” he asked. “What for?” “I need to get a few things, before tonight. I don't want to impose on you any more than I already have.” “What's happening tonight?” she asked. “That young lady, is a surprise,” he said. “Come along, I have things to do.” “Yes sir,” she replied, snapping a mock salute. After explaining to her that she couldn't accompany him, Willow cleaned her bedroom instead.
“Can I come in yet?” Willow asked. “In a minute,” Giles replied, putting the finishing touches on the surprise he had made. “Rupert, you've been saying that for the last two hours... just what are you doing in there?” She asked. He had come back to her house with a couple of paper bags, which he wouldn't let her look into. “Good things come to those who wait,” Giles answered, bringing two champagne flutes out with him. Willow watched with veiled interest, as he approached her. “For you,” he said, handing her one of the glasses. “Thank you.” “You're welcome. I'd like to propose a toast, to you. For enriching my life beyond my wildest dreams, to the other half of my soul,” he said, raising his glass. He watched as Willow drank, a small grin on his face. “Hey! I thought this was champagne,” she said after drinking some of the sparkling liquid. “I never said it was Willow,” he replied, savoring the refreshing ness of the drink. “Its sparkling apple cider, isn't it?” “Yes it is. Are you ready for your surprise?” he asked. “Oh... yes please,” she answered excitedly. “Do you trust me Willow?” “Of course I do Rupert.” Taking the glass from her hand and placing it on the coffee table, along with his, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silk tie. “Um... yes, would... would you be so kind as to close your eyes?” “You want to blindfold me?” “Well... ah... yes. If... if you wouldn't mind,” he said, seeing the skepticism on her face. “I give you my word, you're safe with me. I won't lead you astray, I promise.” Rolling her eyes, Willow closed them. She became aware of how her ears seemed to try and compensate for the fact that she had her eyes closed. She shivered when she felt his breath on her ear. “It will only be for a little while, I promise,” he whispered. Finding her mouth suddenly dry, Willow simply nodded. She felt the tie go around her eyes, muting the light registering on her eyelids. “Is that too tight?” he asked. “No... it's fine,” she replied. Giles rested his hands on her shoulders for a brief moment, and then moved around so that he was facing her. Taking her hands in his, he slowly began to back up. “Alright Willow, we'll do this slowly.” “Oh... okay,” she said, as she took halting steps. “We're going to make a turn to your right.” Giles navigated them out of the living room, down the hall and towards the kitchen. 'He cooked?' she thought, as they reached the kitchen, picking up the faint smell of spices in the air. “I'll be right back... don't move, and no peeking,” he said as he released her hands. Willow was tempted to remove the blindfold from her face, even if to lift the bottom for a quick look, but she didn't. She waited instead, tilting her head to one side as she could hear Rupert coming back into the kitchen. “Sorry, I had to get the glasses. You... um... you didn't peek, did you?” he asked. “No... I was tempted, but I didn't.” “Good. Are you hungry?” he asked, placing the glasses on the table. “A little.” “Come with me,” he said, taking her by the hands once more. “One second,” he told her as he pulled out her chair. “All right, the chair it to your left,” he said, placing her hand on the back of it. He watched as she used her hands to feel where she was in relation to the chair. “That wasn't too hard,” she said as she sat down. “Indeed.” Reaching into his pocket once again, he took out a lighter he had bought from the supermarket. Willow heard a noise, but couldn't place it at the moment. “I'll be right back,” he told her, quickly moving back to the oven and pulling out a tray he had placed in there 15 minutes earlier. Going back to the table, he looked at it once more, he wanted to make sure everything was in place. Satisfied, he walked towards Willow, “Um... Willow?” he watched as she tilted her head in the direction of his voice. “I'm going to remove the blindfold.” “Okay,” she replied. She thought of how she believed she had smelled garlic a few seconds ago. “Keep your eyes closed, um... until I tell you to open them, please?” he said as he removed the tie. Stepping back, he said, “Alright... open them.” The glow from the candles on the table bathed the room in soft light. “You did this for me?” she asked. “Yes... um... I wanted to um... ah, I wanted to do something special. It may not seem like much, but... yes, well... I,” Giles stumbled around for the words he wanted to say. “Thank you Rupert,” Willow uttered, taken aback at the meal he had prepared for her. “I hope you like it... I do believe it's kosher,” he said. “Oh... it's... it's fine Rupert,” she replied. The meal he had prepared consisted of a tossed green salad, angel hair pasta with sun-dried tomatos, asparagus tips, baby carrots and garlic bread. The rest of the sparkling apple cider was resting in a bowl with ice. “For dessert... I... um, I thought strawberries dipped in chocolate with whipped cream?” “Oh my!” He smiled.
The rest of the evening had passed too quickly for Willow's liking. She believed she had developed a taste for chocolate dipped strawberries, especially when he fed them to her. These special moments would have to hold her until he came back from England for good. Glancing at her alarm clock, she saw that it was 4:30 in the morning.
They had talked until midnight, before Willow had noticed that Rupert was having some difficulty keeping his eyes open. Getting off the couch, she went and brought sheets, blankets and a pillow for him. While he had excused himself, she fixed the couch for him, and then he returned wearing light blue pajamas. “I... I guess this is good night then?” “Yes... I believe it is,” Giles replied sitting on the couch. “Well... good night Rupert, pleasant dreams,” Willow said. “Good night Willow, I love you,” he said. “I love you too,” and reminiscent of their first kiss, Willow kissed Giles on the cheek and ran upstairs to her room.
She decided to stay in bed for a few more minutes, before going downstairs.
Giles woke when the alarm from his watch went off. It was fifteen to five. He sat up and looked for the phone. After he confirmed his departure time, he went to take a shower and change his clothes.
Willow headed into the bathroom as Giles came out. “Oooff.” “I'm sorry...” Willow stood completely still; the moment seemed to drag on. She brought her hand up from her side slowly, her eyes were still closed, and she reached out, and then dropped her hand back to her side once more. She wanted to make sure of what she had bumped into, cautiously she opened her eyes again, and she noticed skin... Lots of it... She also noticed water droplets slowly traveling down Rupert's chest, she had to fight off the urge to bend forward and lick the droplets away. Giles watched Willow's reaction, trying to keep his breathing calm; her brief touch sent a surge of desire through him. He was amazed by his reactions to her touch; he had never felt anything like it before. He saw she bite her bottom lip. “Um... umm... are... are you okay?” he asked, deciding to continue drying his hair. “Oh... yeah, I'm... I'm fine. Just fine.” “I'm going to call a taxi,” he said, moving aside, draping the towel around the back of his neck, while he buttoned his shirt. “Can I go with you?” she asked, following him into the living room. “I think it would be too hard on both of us,” he answered, sitting on the edge of the couch. “It's difficult already... you did mean to the airport... didn't you?” “Well... Sir Henry did invite me...” “We both know you can't go, and we both know why.” “I know...” “I'll be back before you know it, I promise,” he said taking her into his arms. “I'm holding you to that promise,” she told him. Giles finally released her and stood up. “Taxi,” he whispered. “Taxi.” They took the bedding off the couch and took them to the laundry room. Willow would wash them later. “You know Rupert...” “Hmm?” he replied, putting his coat on. “I was thinking... we... we should have a code word.” “A code word?” “Yeah... um. I... I was reading this story, about this couple that had fallen in love with each other at work. Well, if their boss found out about them being a couple, one of them would most likely be transferred to another department, and neither one of them wanted that to happen...” “Yes, go on,” he said. “Well... they were having a conversation, and the lady asked the guy exactly how much did he love her. He told her lots. It was like, that's all? Lots. He said, Parking lots, so, whenever they wanted to tell each other I love you, they said, Parking instead.” “Yes... I could see how that might work. So... what do you think our code word should be then?” “Hmm... stakes?” she asked. “Stakes?” he mulled the word over, wondering how they could bring it up in normal conversation. “No... maybe not,” Willow said trying to think of another word. “I have it!” he said, “Research.” “Research?” “Yes... um... if it hadn't been for the fact that you were researching for me on the Internet that night...” “I love it!” “Research Willow,” he said smiling. “Research Rupert,” she replied. They both heard a car horn outside, getting up; they walked to the front door. Opening it, they both saw that the taxi had arrived. “Time to go,” he said, getting his bag. “Have a safe trip,” Willow told him. Every part of her crying out at this forced separation, wanting nothing more than to be able to go with him, or have him stay with her. “Thank you,” he said as he brushed his lips against hers, not trusting himself to stop if he allowed the kiss to lengthen. Willow fought the tears that filled her eyes. When she had seen the taxi, it felt as if she had had the wind knocked out of her, it hurt so much. It had come to take him away from her. Giles kissed her on the forehead, and left without turning around. He knew if he did, he wouldn't want to leave. It wasn't until he was about to leave, that he opened the window and leaned out, and said: “Research!” “Research!” she answered. Willow waited until the taxi left before going back inside; she closed the door and slid down. She remained on the floor for a minute or so, before jumping to her feet and heading to the laundry room. She found the sheet he had slept on and brought it to her face, trying to inhale his essence. “Research Rupert... research.”