Watch This
By A.M. Glass Rating: ‘U’ Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, Fox Studios, Mutant Enemy, et al, have something to do with “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”. No copyright infringement is intended or inferred. The story along with any/all original characters are the sole property of the author and cannot be used without expressed permission first. Author’s Note: First of all, some day, it’s another song story. “Watch This” is written by Anthony Smith, Aaron Barker and Ron Harbin. You can find it on one of two CDs, either “Greatest Hits” or “Rumor Has It” by Clay Walker. Thanks To: Tracy who hasn’t gotten bored going over my stories... yet. I don’t know how she puts up with me.
BRING!!!! BRING!!!!! Rushing to get the phone, he picked up the receiver. “May I help you?” “Hi!” “Is there something wrong?” he asked glancing at his watch. “No... no problems, sorry I’m calling so late...” “That’s quite all right, what can I do for you?” “Um... are you anywhere near your radio?” she asked. “My radio? Yes, why?” “Can you turn it on... and pick the first preset button?” she asked biting her lip, hoping he would do it. “Right now?” “Yes.” “Just one moment, hang on,” he said as he placed the telephone receiver down. He walked to his stereo system, turned it on, and pressed the button. “Are you sure you want that station?” he asked hearing a steel guitar in the background. “Yeah, I’m sure. Just listen to it okay?” “What’s going on? Is there something I should know about?” “Just listen to it, don’t turn it off... I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later... bye.” “Wait!” he heard the dial tone in his ear. He thought, hanging up the phone and picking up the book he was reading. “That was for Joshua from Claire. Don’t forget, you still have time to call in your dedications. The number is....” Giles shook his head giving his attention to the text he was researching. After ten minutes had passed and only paying slight attention to what was playing on the radio, he considered going to bed. “This is interesting... I’ve never heard this name before, but here goes. This is to Rupert...” He head jerked up and stared at the radio when he heard his name. ‘No. He couldn’t have said my name. There must be some other Rupert out there,’ he thought. The song began.
If you’ve never felt what
Or never seen love
And knew it was forever
If you don’t believe that destiny
Watch this He found himself standing in front of the stereo, unaware that he had even moved from the couch. He wore a puzzled expression on his face.
I’ll show you love like
I’ve got so much to give
Watch this
Don’t be afraid
Just close your eyes...
And watch this. He turned around slowly. She was standing there, a shy smile on her face, the spare key he had handed out in case of emergency, dangling in her hand.
A broken heart can’t
Afraid to fall
I can make those feelings disappear She was singing with the song, as she moved slowly towards him.
If you wanna feel the world
Watch this... She took off his glasses, her right hand moving up his chest, until it rested on his neck. “Watch this,” she whispered as she brought his head down to her level.
I’ll show you love
I’ve got so much to give...
Watch this. They were wrapped in each others arms, lost in the sensation...
Don’t be afraid,
Just close your eyes...
And watch this
I’ll show you love like
I’ve got so much to give...
Watch this.
Don’t be afraid,
Just close your eyes...
And watch this. “That was Clay Walker and “Watch This” and that went out to Rupert from Willow... I hope you enjoyed the song. Well that wraps it up for another addition of dedications, don’t forget you can call tomorrow...”
The End.