By A.M. Glass
Song Disclaimer: Lyrics for “I Wish I Could,” written by Tom Douglas and Randy Thomas. Sung by Collin Raye.
Rating: I don’t believe this would fall into the ‘U’ catergory, so, I’ll make it PG.
Revised: May 21th, 2002.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, Fox Studios, Mutant Enemy, et al, have something to do with “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”. No copyright infringement is intended or inferred. The story along with any/all original characters are the sole property of the author and can not be used without expressed permission first.
Author’s Note: Trace... I hope I didn’t bum you out too much. I’m making slight revisions on the story.

‘Looking out my window...

I see you playing in the leaves...

Pushing the curtains aside he looked out the window, smiling wistfully. She looks so much like her mother. Her red hair in braids,’ he thought to himself.

It’s amazing how a little girl
means all the world to me

His life revolved around her, she was all he had left.

‘When I tell you that I love you...

I love you more than words can say.’

He did truly love her with everything in his being...

He didn’t think he’d be able to...

Not at first...

The ache he felt, wondering what could have been...

If it hadn’t been for...

No, he wasn’t going to think about it.

He waved back, her smile a beacon of light he needed more than he ever realized.

‘Smile, say cheese pretty-please,
I wanna take your picture.

How’d you ever get so big?

Oh.. I gotta take your picture.

Hold on to the memory,
before the whole thing slips away’

The place he had learned to call home once more, was bedecked with photographs wherever one could be placed without being obtrusive. The photographs of two of the most important days in his life were on prominent display on the mantle over the fireplace, in the living room.

The first...

His wedding day... He never thought he’d smile that way ever again, he didn’t think it possible... to have so much love and absolute joy in his heart, it seemed unattainable.

Until the second photograph... the doctor had taken it moments after the birth of Amber... their daughter.

It was the three of them... his beloved wife... his daughter, who at that exact moment meant more to him than his own life...

And himself, tears streaming down his face...

He didn’t care...

He wanted a reminder of what the immense love his wife and he had shared for one another had brought forth...

A new beginning, a hope for the future...

After years of destruction they had seen...

The loss of loved ones, never to be replaced...

‘I wish I could save these moments
put ‘em in a jar...

I Wish I could stop the world
from turning, keep things
just the way they are’

How he wanted time to stand still...

Long enough for him to have stopped it from happening. He had been working, looking up something or other, he couldn’t remember anymore when the phone call came...

The phone dropping from his hand...

He rushed to the hospital...

Never once remembering the drive...

His world came crashing down on him that day...

“I’m sorry sir. It was a hit and run...”

“My daughter?” he asked flatly.

“She’s in stable condition.”

“May... may I see her?”

“Your daughter? Of course this...”

“No... I want to see my wife.”

“Um... that wouldn’t be wise.”

He turned to the doctor, he face devoid of emotion. “I want to see her... now.”

He was led to the elevator, taken down a level and escorted to the room. Warning stickers adorned the door, ‘Bio-Hazard’ among others. The door was opened for him, he took a breath and stepped inside.

He briefly turned his head when the door was closed behind him. There was someone waiting for him to arrive.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes... I... I want... No, I need to see her... please,” his eyes betraying him. He wanted to be strong, having done it countless times in the past, now, there was no one to be strong for him...

Not anymore...

‘I wish I could shelter you from
everything, not pure and sweet and good

I know I can’t...

I know I can’t...

But I wish I could.’

He dropped to his knees...

He had trouble breathing...

He couldn’t shelter her...

He had tried for so long to keep her safe from evil...

Things, beings that were an affront to nature...

Yet, even he could not foresee this...

He reached up with trembling hands and reached out for hers...

He wanted her to wrap her arms around him and tell him that she loved him. He wanted her to take him away from the hurt and pain that blocked out everything else... His chest heaved as struggled for control...

“I have to be strong... I... have... to... be strong,” he said through clenched teeth.

Her hand was still warm...

She can’t be dead, they were wrong...

“She’s warm?” he whispered to the man standing a few feet away. “She’s alive... they were wrong!” Grasping at whatever straws he had, suddenly on his feet.

“No sir. I’m very sorry Mr. Giles.”

“But she’s WARM!”

“There’s no delicate way to put this sir. Your wife, Mrs. Giles... she was brought here only a half hour ago... she... she hasn’t had time...”

“Time? Time for what?”

“To... cool down.” he said. He never liked this part of his job, he often wondered way he kept working here after so long.

“Cool down?”

“Really sir, I don’t think you should talk about this. If I heard correctly you have a daughter upstairs, she’s going to need you Mr. Giles.”

Looking back at his wife... his reason for living. She seemed peaceful, just resting. He brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he could recall the doctor telling him that she had died of massive internal injuries.

There was nothing they could have done.

He brushed a few strands of hair away from her face. Leaning over, he whispered in her ear. “Wait for me Willow... please... wait.” Kissing her once more, he turned around and left the room. He was taken to his daughter.

He looked in on her, tubes sticking out of her body. He clasped her hand in his, feeling her squeeze his hand. Putting her hand down, he left the room, asking for the nearest pay phone. By the time he had finished making the calls, and gone back to his daughter, his face had taken on a determined look. If it had been Willow, it would have been her ‘resolve’ face. He couldn’t remember the days that followed.

He knew Willow’s parents’ were a considerable amount of help during those days. Oz, Xander, Cordelia were a constant presence at the hospital and when Amber was finally released, at home.


Had died two years previously.

She had been a Slayer longer than any other.

Her death was blow to all of them, especially to him.

He had loved her like a daughter, now he had another daughter to take care of. It had taken all of Willow’s love and support to help everyone survive the death of their cherished friend.

He thought he had known hurt then...

He had been mistaken...


Angel would come over, only after everyone else had left. He would look in on his god daughter, running his fingers over her hair, whispering, so only Amber would hear.

That had been three years ago.

Amber would be turning eight...

It was hard for him to comprehend that his wife, his Willow, had been taken away from them both for three years.

Amber came into the house, looking for her father. She knew he had changed when mummy had left. She couldn’t remember the day mummy died. But daddy kept telling her that mummy loved her, and how much he knew mummy didn’t want to go... didn’t want to leave them both alone...

It just happened that way sometimes.


Rupert turned around his daughter ran towards him then stopped suddenly. He wondered what was wrong.

She whispered, “Daddy?

He bent down to hear what had to say. “Yes sweetheart.”

She kissed him on the cheek.

‘When you kiss me for no reason,
it goes straight to my heart’

“What was that for?” he asked.

“No reason daddy,” she smiled up at him.

‘When I feel your arms around me...

I almost fall apart’

He gathered her into his arms, holding on tightly.

‘It’s time for bed you whisper
daddy, we forgot to pray’

They prayed for her mother...

His wife...

And for each other...

The prayer was the only thing he would not give in on, he agreed with Willow’s parent’s to raise Amber in the Jewish faith, as her mother had been. But he was unrelenting on their nighttime prayer. The Rosenbergs conceded the point, knowing it was Rupert’s right to raise his daughter in his own faith, had he chosen to.

I wish I could save theses moments
put ‘em in a jar

Wish I could stop the world
from turning, keep things just the way they are...

I wish I could shelter you from everything,
not pure and sweet and good

I know I can’t...

I know I can’t...

But I wish I could’

He would have given anything for Willow to be here, to see how their daughter had grown...

He opened her door...

‘And when I watch you sleepin’...

All my worries fade away

A little bit of heaven glows on your angelic face

I wish I could save theses moments put ‘em in a jar

Wish I could stop the world from turning,
keep things just the way they are...

I wish I could shelter you from everything,
not pure and sweet and good

I know I can’t...

I know I can’t...

I know I can’t...

But I wish I could’

“I love you both, so much Rupert...”

“Willow?” Giles turn around quickly, desperately seeking out her voice.

The hall is empty he’s alone. Yet, there... very briefly he smells the perfume she used to wear. “I love you Willow,” Giles said, hoping she has heard him.

“I love you too... always.”

He stood perfectly still...

And accepted the gift...

First his darling Willow...

Then Amber...

Now this...

Those faint words he knew where spoken, and not a part of his tired mind playing tricks on him.

She was here...

But then again...

She had never left.

The End.


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