Stories by Gilescandy

Live Journal

Beer Badder - 15
Summary: The boys have to deal with a Cave-Slayer and a Cave-Witch. Poor boys!
Chapters: 1
Status: Compete

For Him - 12
Summary: Giles is deeply depressed after Buffy's death. The gang takes action to show him he's still cared for. (Giles/Willow/Tara)
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete

Lover's Knot - 18
Summary: In the episode "Lover's Walk", what if Spike had captured Willow and Giles? How far would our favorite librarian go to protect one of his girls?
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete

Magister - 18
Summary: It's a Vamp!Giles. Let the mayhem commence!
Chapters: 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-14
Status: Complete

Mistress of Pain - 15
Summary: After the events of Doppelgangland Giles is troubled by new thoughts and feelings, but Willow shows up to set him straight.
Chapters: 1
Status: Complete











Disclaimer: Willow, Giles and any other characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel the Series belong
to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, David Greenwalt, WB, UPN, Fox, etc. No copyright infringement is
intended. This site is purely for entertainment purposes - for the fans, by the fans.