She Called Him Giles
Author: Gwynnega
Rating: 15
Summary: Mostly she called him Giles, as she had since she was a young girl, but it sounded like every sweet name imaginable.
Story Notes: Post-"Chosen." The seventh story in the "This Will Be Our Year" Willow/Giles series.
Disclaimer: It's Joss's world - I'm just in love with it.


He called her dearest and darling and sweetheart. He had never gone in much for endearments, but with her he was lavish. He called her darling girl, my beautiful wife, he called her Willow.

She rarely called him by his first name, rarely used any endearments with him at all. Occasionally when he was shagging her senseless, she called him Ripper. Mostly she called him Giles, as she had since she was a young girl, but it sounded like every sweet name imaginable. It was Giles like a caress, like a command, like a sweet secret. It was Giles-the-only-man-in-the-world-to-me, Giles my love, my lover, my husband. She simply called him Giles, and that was everything.

The End



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