Title: Blasphemous Rumors
Part 2 of the ABC series
Author: Frau Hunter Ash
Copyright © 2002 by Hunter Ash. All Rights Reserved.
Email: hunterash@sti.net Feedback welcome!!
Homepage Addy : www.hunterash.com
Disclaimers: The characters and show all belong to Joss Whedon , Fox, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui , and God only knows who else. The storyline, however, is the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
F/F romance : the story assumes a loving and sexual relationship between people of the same gender, different genders, and may even include 3 at the same time <G>. If this offends or is illegal for you, then please leave. Come back when you are older, have an open mind, moved, or changed your laws.
Spoilers: Sometime after Wrecked
Summary: Willow has returned after two years but a lot has changed, including the young woman. She and Giles rush to America to warn both Buffy and Angel of danger only to find they may be a little too late.
Rating: R for a couple of swear words and major character death
"So, what is the major mystery?" Cordelia demanded for the 30 th time.
Angel shook his head, once again. "I told you all everything Giles said. He asked to meet all of us here tonight, that it had to be 8pm or later, and that everyone be here, especially Tara ."
Tara shifted uncomfortably on the sofa. She hadn't talked with Giles for over a year, ever since she had left Sunnydale to join Angel's group. She felt Tracy grab her hand and squeeze, trying to reassure her lover.
Wesley looked bored as he shuffled through an old magical tome with Fred while Gunn cleaned one of his many pistols. Cordelia sat on top of the old check-in counter, swinging her feet impatiently as Angel waited in a chair, a leg thrown over the arm.
The vampire looked bored as well but they all knew Angel very well and knew that he was as keyed up as the rest of them. They knew it had to be major stuff for Giles to return to America and request to see them. They talked with Giles occasionally whenever they needed help in research or just a note to keep in touch. To ask to see them in person meant something big.
Angel frowned, sensing a familiar energy nearby.
* * *
"Oh Goddess, I'm so damned scared," Willow muttered, her hands shaking.
Giles slipped her hand into his as they stood outside the hotel door, steeling themselves for whatever was coming.
"I love you, Willow ," he said softly.
"I love you, Giles," Willow 's face softened as she leaned up to kiss him. "Let's do this."
"It wasn't your fault you disappeared and were gone for so long," Giles pointed out. "They'll understand."
"I don't understand, Giles," Willow countered. "It still hurts that the Council kept me away for so long. Come on before I come out of my skin."
"I'd much rather have you out of those clothes," he muttered and grinned when she playfully smacked him on his arm.
"I woke up a sex demon!" she teased and lost her smile as they faced the doors.
Giles opened the doors slowly and walked in ahead of Willow .
* * *
"Giles," Angel smiled but his face was puzzled, the energy was stronger and he didn't think it was the Englishman. A familiar figure stepped out from behind the Watcher and Angel fell back in his chair. " Willow ?"
Tara blinked in confusion as she looked up at her former lover.
Despite her mental protests, it was Willow . She knew instantly the shy and fearful look in the well-known green eyes.
Everyone was stunned into silence as Angel stood up and approached the pair slowly. His sharp eyes caught Willow 's hand reaching for Giles' as she moved close to the Watcher. Angel also knew the energy he felt from the young woman.
The vampire with a soul debated moving closer but trusted that Giles knew what he was doing. Angel looked down at the red-head and could almost feel her fear of rejection and could see it in her eyes.
"Are you our Willow ?" he asked softly.
"Not totally," she admitted. "I've changed and it wasn't my choice. My soul is intact but a little scarred."
Angel nodded. "I think Cordelia had better make some tea and coffee, I have a feeling this is a long explanation."
"Yes," Giles nodded.
Wesley, Gunn, Fred and Cordelia moved towards the kitchen as Angel and Giles stood staring with each other for a moment and Willow glanced at Tara and the stranger.
Tara stood up slowly and Willow leaned closer to Giles. Angel's sharp eyes caught that movement as well. Tara was obviously in shock and Willow was about as skittish as a rabbit.
" Willow ?" Tara whispered.
"It's me," Willow said softly.
"How? Why?" Tara demanded, tears filling her eyes.
"It is a long story," Willow responded, her own eyes filling as well. "I never left you, Tara ."
"Come on, let's move this to the dining room," Angel suggested. "Come on, Giles."
Giles reluctantly released Willow 's hand as the vampire moved him towards the dining area and the two witches stood facing each other. Tara 's new lover sat watching both women closely.
Willow looked over at the red-haired woman with Tara .
"I'm Willow ," she said simply.
"The missing lover from Sunnydale ," Tracy commented. "I'm Tracy ."
"Let's go inside or Cordelia will kill us for making her wait," Tara suggested.
"Okay," Willow said softly. She didn't feel this uncertain since high school before Buffy Summers started at Sunnydale High. She moved quickly towards the dining room, wanting to be next to Giles again.
The only thing she dreaded more was facing Buffy.
Everyone settled in, Angel making small talk with Giles about London and general Watcher news until everyone had coffee or tea.
Willow blushed as all eyes turned to her and Giles.
"Oh Goddess," she muttered.
"Maybe I should tackle this, luv ," Giles suggested, his Ripper accent coming through as his protective streak asserted itself and Angel's eyebrows rose in surprise.
"Okay," Willow agreed, suddenly fascinated with her tea.
"Will someone get to it?" Cordelia demanded. " Willow disappears for over two years and shows up with Giles and is drinking tea instead of coffee?"
"We've heard how you ran away from Sunnydale and disappeared from Tara ," Angel commented.
"I didn't runaway, it wasn't my choice," Willow said softly and raised her neck, showing the rough scars of the violent vampire attack that took her life.
Angel nodded as everyone gasped in surprise.
"I knew you were vampire," he muttered.
"Vampire? Like so uncool !" Cordelia squeaked.
"Let me explain," Giles suggested. " Willow stumbled out one night when she was coming down off the black magic and was attacked by two vampires and killed. What no one knew was that the Council was stalking Willow . They planned on kidnapping her after the disaster with the magic."
"The Watcher Council?" Tara muttered. "We never knew they were there."
"No one did, they grabbed the vampires, staked one and forced the other to turn me," Willow explained, a tear escaping down her face. "I…it was horrible…."
Giles reached out for Willow 's hand openly.
"The Council kept her locked up, forged a runaway note and stole her belongings so you all would think she had left Sunnydale and all of you," Giles continued. "They restored her soul and gave her a choice."
"What choice?" Angel asked; he already had a pretty good idea what the choice was but wanted it out in the open for the others.
"Learn how to control her magic, train as a Watcher and serve them without question for the next 50 years," Giles said bitterly.
"The alternative?" Wesley questioned, he knew some of the inner workings of the Council as well.
"Serve or die," Willow said calmly.
"I was offered the same choice about the same time," Giles added. "We both decided to live."
"I was able to throw in some conditions because of my magical ability," Willow said softly. "They fear me a bit."
"What were those conditions?" Angel asked.
"That I be allowed to reach out to all of you again if I wished once I finished my training. It hurt so bad that you thought I would run away from all of you," Willow explained. "Also I could choose a mate without interference from the Council."
"You chose Giles?" Angel asked, a little surprised. He had suspected Willow had once had a crush on the older man but choosing the Watcher for a mate was surprising.
"Yes," Willow nodded, glancing over at Tara for a moment before leaning against Gile's shoulder, glad she could finally show a little affection. "I knew from the Council reports that Tara had moved on and I had to admit to myself that we were done before I disappeared."
Tara nodded slightly but with a frown. "I looked for you, though."
"I know, you all were watched by the Council and I read the reports after a year," Willow nodded, trying not to cry at the pain in her former lover's eyes. "I was kept in isolation for over a year. No telephone, no computer, no news in a castle in Scotland . And very little blood, they kept me on the verge of blood frenzy to control me."
"Giles though?" Cordy exclaimed. "No offense, Giles, but really?"
Willow 's eyes flashed angrily.
"It's always been there," she said defensively. "It was just never the right time nor the right age for both of us and he'd never make a move."
"So what happened and why now?" Angel asked.
"I finally got through my magical training and then went through Watcher training," Willow continued. "That was easier than for most because of my vampiric strength and senses. Then I was assigned to a Slayer-in-training in Scotland with another Watcher. Finally, I was allowed to know what happened with all of you. I know about Riley, Xander and Anya's child, Tara moving here and Giles in London ."
"I know you, Willow ," Angel said slowly. "There's more isn't there?"
"Besides getting Giles to finally admit he's loved me for years?" Willow smiled and sighed with relief as Tara 's body relaxed and Tracy looked relieved as well. "There's more."
"We think the Council is tightening its reign over everyone," Giles began slowly. " Willow , with her magic skills and computer hacking, has found that it's possible the Council is planning on giving Buffy the same choices we were given. Return to the fold or die."
"She'd never agree to go back to the Council at this point!" Angel protested. "The Gang is retired, she and Riley have the dojo and a good life. What do they want with her?"
Giles glanced at Willow and she nodded slightly.
"The Council is extremely worried about the two of us and we have no idea why they've actually let us live this long," Giles continued. "They know we don't play by the rules and have a tendency to question Council tactics and morals."
"We especially have no idea why they let us get together," Willow added. "We both know too much and they fear Buffy finding out and bringing the Council down out of revenge and rebellion."
"Revenge?" Wesley questioned with a frown. "I thought all that nonsense with her testing on her 18 th birthday was over."
"It is, long dead," Willow agreed. "Buffy might want revenge for stealing all of her teenage years, most of her adult life and causing her death twice."
"That's the price tag of a Slayer," Wesley protested.
"Because she was the Chosen One, the only one who could face the vampires and the evil, right?" Giles asked bitterly.
"Yes, of course!" Wesley nodded.
Angel's eyes widened and he sat back in his chair heavily.
Willow , seeing his reaction, nodded.
"She's not the only one?" he muttered.
"No, she never was," Giles acknowledged, knowing that just uttering those words condemned him and everyone in the room to death by the Council. Especially himself and Willow .
"But Kendra and Faith were called," Cordy protested.
"Yes, none of the Slayers are ever told the truth," Giles explained with a rueful look on his face. "How could you expect a young teenage girl to train to fight vampires and face a very early death unless you convince her she's the only hope for the world? Each Slayer is kept far apart and the Watcher's Council is much more detailed and wider spread than we let on."
"It was a mess when Kendra was 'called' forth when Buffy died," Willow explained. "And then Faith when Kendra died. The Council barely got around that by telling all of us it was because Buffy died for a few moments when she faced the Master and then Faith replaced Kendra."
"The Council lies to the girls and their families?" Angel growled. He had dealt with Buffy's torment over being the Chosen One for years. Holding her as she wailed against the Fates that were determined that she die at a very young age.
"Yes," Giles whispered.
"You knew?" Angel demanded, his fist clenching.
"No, not when I began training Buffy," Giles replied as Willow squeezed his hand. "I found out after Faith was called."
"That was when you thought of leaving," Willow muttered, piecing some things together.
"Yes, I felt I had betrayed Buffy but any Watcher who figures it out is threatened with immediate death and the death of their Slayer if they ever reveal the secret," Giles said.
"So what does you telling us mean?" Cordy squeaked.
"That we're dead if they ever find out," Angel smirked, glancing at Wesley.
The Englishman looked uncomfortable.
"What do they plan for Buffy?" he asked.
"They plan on breaking Faith out of prison or killing her," Giles continued. "We think they plan on killing Riley, kidnapping Buffy and either killing her or keeping her locked away so she can't find out about the other Slayers and contaminate them."
"That is so not cool!" Gunn complained and Wesley nodded.
"You want to take on the Council?" Angel asked.
"Yes," Willow nodded. "We're not asking you to join us. I wanted to let everyone know I was alright and somewhat alive. You all deserved the truth a long time ago."
" Willow ," Tara began slowly. "We're still friends with Buffy and the gang. You think she's in danger?"
"Yes," Willow nodded. "I'm not sure which would be worse, death or captivity."
"If Buffy hasn't changed drastically, captivity would kill her faster than a bullet," Giles muttered.
"If you don't want our help, why tell us?" Gunn demanded.
"In case something happens to them, we know the truth," Angel reasoned and Giles nodded as Willow leaned on his shoulder.
"If you go against the Council, everyone in the world will be against you," Tara pointed out. "Watchers, Slayers, vampires, and demons."
"We know that and we don't expect to live long," Willow said calmly.
" Willow !" Tara protested, her eyes widening.
"What?" Willow demanded. "I figure I'm on borrowed time since that night those vampires drained me."
"And I didn't have a life any longer until Willow came back," Giles added, laying his cheek on Willow 's hair. "We really have no idea why the Council is letting us live," Giles repeated.
"Are they using you somehow?" Angel questioned.
"I would think so but I can't see how," Giles complained. " Willow is very powerful and we both know too many secrets. I don't see how warning Buffy the Council might be planning to hurt her works in their favor."
"Neither can I but it feels like it," Angel complained.
"I must agree with Angel," Wesley added. "It just doesn't make sense letting you two get together and then letting you loose. Especially anywhere near Buffy."
"I know, I just can't see what their plans are," Giles muttered.
"We're just going to go in circles from this point," Gunn complained.
"I agree, you're both welcome to spend the night and day, I'm going to hit the streets and see if I can find out anything among our connections. Tara , can you do your magic thing with the computers and all that stuff?" Angels asked.
"Of course, Angel," Tara nodded, glancing at Willow as her former lover closed her eyes and Giles wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"We've been traveling at a rather quick pace," Giles explained.
"Changing time zones is murder on vampire senses," Angel nodded. "We'll bring up your bags and I'll bring up something for Willow ."
"Thank you, Angel," Giles said softly and caressed Willow 's cheek. "Come on, luv , let's get some sleep."
"Aye," Willow muttered, her adopted Scots accent coming through. Angel raised his eyebrows in surprise.
* * *
Willow woke up late the next afternoon and found several blood packets left in a small refrigerator in their room.
"Thanks, Angel," she muttered and quickly drank her breakfast.
There was no sign of Giles when she woke but their bags were in the room and the clothes he had been wearing the night before were scattered across the foot of the bed. She didn't remember much about the conversation the night before after closing her eyes and definitely didn't remember getting to their room and into bed. She pulled off her sleeping shorts and slipped on a pair of jeans quickly.
The vampire witch moved quietly down the hallway and stairs. She heard voices in the main common area and the thought of a good cup of tea filled her head until Willow focused on the conversation and stopped, just around the corner.
"How weird is it, Willow a vampire?" Cordelia was asking someone.
"I knew she wouldn't disappear without contacting us," Tara said firmly.
"How are you dealing with your ex shacking up with Giles?" Cordy asked and Willow could almost hear the smirk in her voice.
"Back off, Cordy ," Tracy 's voice snapped. "They obviously love each other and you've got the hots for a vampire, why can't Giles?"
"I do not have the hots for any vampire!" Cordy protested.
"Oh you are so full of it, girlfriend!" Tracy countered.
"Enough you two!" Tara snapped at both of them. "We need to decide if we're going to Sunnydale with them or wait for everything to fall apart and then rush in for a rescue and possibly lose one or more of our friends."
"I'm not sure I even know this Willow ," Cordy complained. "Do you? She's been gone for over two years! Now she's some powerful witch, a Watcher and a vampire!"
"She didn't ask for any of this!" Tara yelled.
"You're just feeling guilty because you left her and she crashed," Cordy countered. "Maybe if you had stayed with her, she wouldn't have wandered out to get jumped by two bloodsuckers."
" Cordelia !" Willow 's eyes blazed with anger as she rounded the corner. The vampire no longer felt tired as anger swept over her. "That's enough! You got a problem with me, take it up with me!"
Cordelia rose from her chair, her face flushed with anger as well.
"I do, damnit ! You disappear for over two years, everyone went insane looking for you!" Cordelia shouted as the two squared off. "Now you show up as a damned vampire and put us in the middle of another fight."
"Why are you so angry?" a voice demanded from another doorway. "Because she has a soul and can be happy and I can't?"
"Angel," Cordy said softly, her anger fading. She blushed and refused to meet his eyes.
"Is that it?" he demanded. "She's a vampire with a soul and can have anyone and you can't have me?"
Angel's obvious anger melted as Cordelia burst into tears. He gently pulled her into his arms.
"Sorry, Willow ," he said softly. "It's really not about you."
"I suppose now would be a good time to remind you both that I'm a really powerful witch now," Willow said softly. "I can fix that for you."
"What?" Angel whispered and Cordelia's head snapped up, her eyes wide.
"I can rearrange the spell, change the boundaries of that happiness clause," Willow said easily, grinning. Very pleased that she might be able to help her friends.
"What do you mean?" Angel asked.
"I can make it more specific that you won't lose your soul unless you get happy because you did…whatever," Willow tried explaining. "If you never get happy doing whatever, no losing the soul if something else makes you happy."
"What would be the 'never to do thing'?" he asked.
"How about screwing a dog or something," Gunn suggested as he, Wesley and Giles walked into the area.
"That would work," Willow grinned.
"What?" Angel squeaked, his expression mortified.
"Well, that wouldn't make you happy would it?" Willow teased. "So never mess with a dog and be happy about it and you keep your soul. You and Cordy can do whatever."
Gunn began laughing at the expression on Angel's face and the others joined.
"Woof! Woof!" Gunn teased and Angel blushed a deep red for a vampire and hugged Cordelia tightly.
"You can really do this?" Cordy asked softly. " Tara 's been trying to figure it out for years."
"The key is changing the curse, not removing it," Willow said.
"Of course!" Tara said, snapping her fingers. "Duh! Why didn't we think of that?"
"Easy, lover," Tracy grinned. "We've been busy trying to remove the curse and secure his soul, not change the rules."
Giles walked over and hugged his lover and kissed her lips lightly.
"You rested?" he asked softly.
"Yes, Angel left me breakfast," Willow said just as softly, loving the feel of his well built body through the shirt he was wearing.
"What happens now?" Gunn asked with a grin.
"Well, I fix Angel and we go to Sunnydale and hope we're wrong," Willow suggested.
Cordelia swore under her breath when the telephone began ringing, jarring them out of the happy moment.
"Angel Investigations," Wesley answered, leaning over the counter to grab the phone. "Buffy? What's wrong?"
All happy thoughts flew out the window in an instant as Angel moved for the phone, everyone else right behind him.
* * *
Giles waited in front of the hotel impatiently. He wasn't surprised when the door opened and Tara stepped out to join him.
"No sign of her yet?" she asked.
"No, it seems like I spent most of my life watching for Willow ," he joked lightly.
"I barely saw her leave," Tara commented.
"Vampire speed," he nodded, watching the LA sky, trying to look for what few stars could be seen through the murk. "I saw her eyes change and knew to get out of the way."
"Have you ever seen this?" the witch asked.
"Once," he answered. "We were just leaving my building and she forgot her pack, she stepped back inside. When she came down, three vampires had me down. She went into a berserker fury and tore all three of them to pieces, literally."
"Oh Goddess," Tara whispered.
"Yes," Giles nodded, wishing he smoked, it might ease his worry. "When she turned to me she was still caught in the blood frenzy. She reached for me and I wasn't sure if I was going to live or die at that moment. Willow turned and ran. She returned an hour later much calmer."
"I missed her for so long and now…" Tara hesitated.
"She's not quite your Willow ," he suggested with a sad smile of understanding.
"No, she's not," Tara agreed. "I see my Willow in her but she is different."
"I suppose dying does that to one," Giles commented. "Buffy was different when Willow brought her back. I can see all the phases of Willow . The shy student that no one paid attention to unless they wanted their homework done; the blossoming young woman beginning to discover herself; the shattered heartbroken young woman; the confident witch discovering her sexuality; and Willow who was heading out of control, almost full circle to shy and insecure."
"You love her very much," Tara said, more of a statement than a question.
"Yes, I did for years," Giles agreed. "I never would have been with her if I thought…."
"I know that, Giles," Tara said quickly. " Willow was right; we ended before she was kidnapped."
Both of them watched the streets for a few moments.
"What happens now?" Tara asked.
"We go to Sunnydale and hope the Council hasn't kidnapped Buffy and killed Xander , Anya and their child," Giles said calmly.
"Why would they hurt them?" Tara asked, her eyes wide with fear.
"They might know too much and ask too many questions if Buffy disappears," Giles explained.
"What about Dawn in all of this?" Tara asked.
"Well, she is in school in San Francisco and shows no sign of Slayer or magical skills," Giles said. "The Council doesn't view her as a threat. If they can eliminate the threat in Sunnydale , they'll leave Dawn alone as an orphan in the world."
"If Xander and Anya are threats…." Tara 's voice trailed off.
"Yes, everyone here is as well," Giles nodded. "I was hoping it wouldn't spread this far, but Riley's death proves there's something beginning, just as Willow feared."
"How did she find out?"
"One of her trainers was hit by a car when they were on an outing, the woman knew she was dying," Giles explained. "Maybe she was hit with a sudden bout of conscious because she let Willow in mentally and Willow saw the Council's planning meeting on what to do with Buffy."
"What if Riley's death was just some random killing? It is Sunnydale ."
"A trained soldier and karate teacher taken down by a robber?" Giles countered. "I bet the Coroner, if he even bothers to look, will find an injection wound on Riley's body where someone shot a dart or got close enough to inject him and render him helpless. Killing him with a stake was rather over the top."
"Buffy thought it was Faith," Tara nodded.
"Yes, until Angel confirmed that Faith is still in prison," Giles added.
"Will you let us help you and Willow ?" Tara asked.
"I hope so, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed," a voice joined the conversation from the shadows and Willow stepped into the light. She accepted a hug from Tara and then held tightly to Giles. "I thought I was stronger, I'm not."
"I understand, I wouldn't mind the help either," he muttered.
"Let's save the universe again," Willow quipped.
"Or at least Sunnydale ," Tara amended and both women smiled.
"Again," Giles finished the joke.
Tara sighed wistfully as Willow stretched up to kiss Giles. Despite the years and her wonderful relationship with Tracy , the blonde witch knew she still had deep feelings for Willow and it was going to take time to adjust to Willow being with Giles.
* * *
"Goddess, haven't we done this already?" Willow complained as they sat in the car outside the Summers ' home.
"Yes, once more unto the breech dear friends," Giles muttered.
"She doesn't know, right?" Willow asked nervously. "Is Buffy going to stake me before asking questions?"
"That could be a possibility, just stay slightly behind me until we calm her down," Giles suggested.
"This sucks," Willow complained, sounding very much like the Willow he knew from Sunnydale .
Giles opened the door and waited on the other side of the car for Willow to step out of the car. The plan was simple, approach Buffy, explain everything and help her stay out of the hands of the Council. He watched the house and was relieved that no one seemed to hear the car, there was no movement of curtains and the door didn't slam open when Willow turned to the house.
Once again Willow slipped her hand into Giles' as they walked slowly towards the house. The red-head was feeling more apprehensive with facing Buffy than when she had faced Tara .
Giles raised his hand to knock when screeching tires sounded behind them.
"Watchers!" a male voice shouted as a car skidded to a halt in front of Buffy's home.
Willow turned, her face slipping into vampiric 'game face' in response to danger, pulling Giles behind her as multiple gun shots blasted through the night.
* * *
Willow moaned as her body jerked, trying to move back to her undead life.
"Ach! That hurt!" she mumbled, surprising herself with the intensity of her swearing. That was one habit she could lose quickly, thank you , she muttered to herself and turned over. She could feel what little blood that had been in her body now coating her clothing where she had fallen on the porch after taking several bullets.
Bullets, attack…Giles.
The vampire's eyes quickly focused enough to see Giles lying in front of the door to the house. His white shirt was now mostly red and there was a lot more blood on the porch than in his body, Willow quickly assessed.
"Giles, no!" she whimpered and checked for a pulse and signs of life. She could hear his heart beating but it was erratic and rapid as it tried to compensate for not having enough blood to work his system.
The blood was flowing faster than she knew she could stop it and he was spitting up blood as she knelt beside him.
"Oh Goddess, please, no!" Willow whimpered as she counted five shots to his chest and two in the left leg.
The Watcher opened his eyes and tried to speak but choked on the blood.
"Giles," Willow whispered. "I need to know now, do you want me to turn you? Will you stay with me? You're dying."
The Englishman closed his eyes and coughed.
"Giles!" Willow shouted and his eyes snapped open again, startled. "Answer me! Do I let you go?"
Giles shook his head and tried to raise his hand.
"Do I turn you?" Willow demanded and he managed to nod slightly. "I love you, Giles. I'll bring your soul back, I swear it or I'll stake you myself."
Giles nodded and closed his eyes, his hand falling back to the porch.
"Vampire!" a male voice shouted and Willow 's head snapped around, again in 'game face.'
She saw a car at the curb, behind her rental and two men jumping out of the car with Buffy. Willow hissed angrily and quickly slashed at her wrist with her own fangs and held it to Giles' lips, hoping he would get enough of her blood to live until she could return to him.
" Willow ?" Buffy called, her voice reflecting her shock.
"We told you she had been turned!" one of the men shouted as they dashed towards the porch, crosses and stakes in hand. "She put a spell on him and they were coming to kill you!"
Willow turned, her eyes flashing between black and vampire yellow.
"Goddamn it!" she shouted. "That is so not true!"
She saw the crossbow in Buffy's hands and everything became very clear to the vampire witch.
Willow and Giles had been used by the Council. They were hoping to convince Buffy to kill her former best friend as Willow took the blame for Riley and Giles' death, making Buffy vulnerable to the Council.
Willow shifted out of game face and stood up protectively over Giles.
"They're lying, Buffy," Willow said, trying to remain calm as she raised her hand in a self defensive motion. "Remember, Watchers, I'm still a witch! One you trained!" she threatened and they stopped at the foot of the stairs.
"Will," Buffy said slowly as she caught up to the Watchers. "We were friends once, I'll give you this one chance to leave Sunnydale and my life."
"Buffy, call Angel and Tara, they know the truth," Willow pleaded.
"I already called them, demon," Buffy snapped, her eyes pained and angry. "Faith escaped from prison and no one can find the LA group. Is that your plan? Team up with Faith to destroy everything I am or was?"
Buffy's voice cracked as her finger tightened on the trigger of the crossbow.
"Killing Riley with a stake, that was so Faith and I could expect that," Buffy said slowly. "But now Giles? You drain and turn him? How twisted have you become, vampire?"
"If you leave Giles alone with any Watcher, he'll die," Willow tried to explain, tears beginning to flow down her face as she kept her eyes on the Watchers. "I love him, Buffy and my soul is very intact, please protect him."
Willow wasn't surprised when one of the Watchers dropped his stake and pulled out a gun and began firing at her. The vampire, turning to flee over the side of the porch, felt three bullets slam into her back, throwing her over the rail.
" Willow !" Buffy screamed.
"Stake her!" one of the men shouted as Buffy dashed around the porch.
Willow shook her head and decided not to take any chances. As Buffy skidded around the porch, the witch raised her hand and sent the Slayer flying backwards across the yard.
The vampire stumbled to her feet and followed and sent the Watchers flying as well before following the Slayer. Willow snapped her hand up again and sent Buffy back to her knees as the Slayer tried to raise her crossbow.
Willow managed to get to the car and behind the wheel. She knew it was a risk, she should have run in between the houses and into the shadows, but she needed her backpack. It contained the orb she needed to bring Giles' soul back once she turned him.
If she could get close to him again.
* * *
Willow walked up to Xander and Anya's apartment slowly. It was about two hours before dawn and he knew that all the police cars filling the street with their lights flashing wasn't normal.
She kept to the edge of the crowd of curious neighbors until she could see the front door to her friend's place. Willow felt her heart skip a beat when she saw the front door. Written in blood was "5x5," Faith's trademark saying.
A few moments later an ambulance crew exited the apartment with a gurney. The figure's face was covered and the sheet was quickly absorbing the blood still oozing from the body underneath.
Willow felt a whimper escape her throat as Anya stumbled out of the apartment, holding a small boy in her arms, tears streaming down the former demon's face and the boy was wailing in confusion and fear.
" Xander ," Willow whispered around her tears. She turned away before Anya could spot her.
* * *
Willow curled up in the corner of the crypt as the tears kept falling. It was almost dawn and only a strong sense of self preservation had sent her scurrying into a familiar crypt before the light of the sun could claim her.
She didn't even look up when the door opened and slammed shut.
"Thought you might come here!" a voice snapped.
"Just stake me and get it over with," Willow said wearily.
Spike looked down at the red-haired vampire and hesitated, stake in hand.
"Buffy is frantic! Why the hell did you kill that nimrod Riley? And Xander ?"
"I didn't," Willow muttered, gently rocking in her own grief with her arms wrapped tightly around her knees. "No one will listen though and Giles is dead. Just kill me and be the hero for Buffy."
Spike's frown deepened.
"You don't have a chip in there, do you?" he asked, squatting down near her.
"No but I do have my soul," Willow said softly.
Spike reached out and raised Willow 's chin up and looked deep in her eyes.
"I know that look, just like Angel," he muttered and sat down heavily. "You're not the bad guy here, are you?"
"No," she shook her head. "It's the Council."
"Explain it to me, pet," Spike said softly. "Buffy thinks Faith bombed Angel's hotel and killed everyone, killed Riley and Xander and believes that you were about to kill Giles."
"Yeah, wanna explain it to me too?" a voice demanded from the doorway.
"Faith?" Willow whispered as she looked up.
Next: Come Together