Title: Evil Walks
Part 5 of the ABC series

Author: Frau Hunter Ash 
Copyright © 2002 by Hunter Ash. All Rights Reserved.
hunterash@sti.net Feedback welcome!!
Homepage Addy : www.hunterash.com
Disclaimers: The characters and show all belong to Joss Whedon , Fox, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui , and God only knows who else. The storyline, however, is the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
F/F romance : the story assumes a loving and sexual relationship between people of the same gender, different genders, and may even include 3 at the same time <G>. If this offends or is illegal for you, then please leave. Come back when you are older, have an open mind, moved, or changed your laws.
Spoilers: Sometime after Wrecked
Summary: Willow has been missing for 2 years right after Wrecked. She's back with Giles in Sunnydale and the witch has changed drastically. Conspiracy plots and death surrounds Buffy until she doesn't know who to trust.
Rating: Strong R for sex and language.
Author's Note: Pairings: W/G, B/R, B/F, An/C, X/A, T/Tracy

Willow screamed again and grabbed the bedpost as Giles growled and sank his fangs into her breasts, ramming into her roughly.

Angel had been correct, Giles had been frenzied, even after regaining his soul and he wanted very simple things: sex and blood, both preferably from Willow .

After restoring his soul, Giles had burst into tears and Willow had quickly crawled onto the bed with him, holding him and whispering reassuring things, including her love for him.

She felt him relaxing slightly and sliced open her wrist with her fangs and held it up to his lips. At first he had been reluctant.

"Drink, Giles," Willow ordered. "Accept it and move on, you're a vampire now but you have your soul and you have my love."

His lips wrapped around the wound and then she felt his fangs enter her skin. She felt her body jerk with an eroticism that surprised her. Willow had never fed another vampire before. She knew that feeding was erotic for the vampire and, very seldom, sometimes the victim. Having her body responding so quickly to Giles feeding from her surprised her, so did his growl.

Willow had been startled when Giles had growled again and grabbed her with a speed that shocked the female vampire. He threw her down onto the bed and was on her faster than the vampires who had killed her.

"Need you!" he muttered. "Help me!"

"Yes!" Willow said, consenting and pulling him close.

Willow 's clothes were quickly ripped either off or open as her own hands stumbled with the sweat pants Angel had dressed her lover in. She felt Giles stop and looked up, not surprised to see him in game face.

"Everything's different, I can hear you breath but no heart," he muttered.

"Close your eyes," Willow said softly. "Listen to everything, listen to the night."

Giles smiled and nuzzled her neck.

"I can hear Spike arguing with Xander," he said. "I can hear Buffy and Faith two rooms down, and I can smell your arousal."

"Yes," Willow whispered, wrapping her legs around him.

"I can feel a different energy near us," Giles said slowly.

"Yes, that's Angel," Willow explained. "He's the one that turned you, he's your sire."

"What does that mean?" Giles asked as he began nibbling on Willow 's neck, a lot calmer than a few minutes before.

"You'll know when he's around and he'll sense you," Willow explained. "And, if push comes to shove, he can dominate you."

"You didn't turn me?"

"No, Cordy and Angel crashed the hospital and forced a doctor to transfuse Angel's blood into you. With Angel as your sire, there's no dominance problem between us."

"I'm glad for that, I want a partnership with you," Giles nodded, moving his lips down to her breasts and nipples. "What about us?"

"The way Angel explained it, you feed from me, I feed from you, we have fantastic sex, more blood, more sex and we never leave each other."

"Sounds perfect," Giles muttered and Willow could feel his energy rising again.

Willow whimpered as his teeth raked over her nipples and pulled his sweats down as he sunk his fangs into her breast with a growl. "Giles!"

"Need you!" he muttered and whined when he felt her position him at her entrance.

"Now!" Willow demanded, her own blood lust hitting.

She screamed and sank her fangs into his neck as he entered her and sank his fangs into her breast again around the nipple. Willow thrust against him as he pulled back, both moaning as they drank.

* * *

Angel hesitated outside Willow and Giles' doorway with Cordelia .

"You sure we need them?" Cordy asked. "From the sounds of those screams, they have to be exhausted."

"Yeah, but Willow will kill us if we don't include her," Angel pointed out. "We'll leave Spike here with Giles."


"Giles will be pretty much dead to the world for the day," Angel explained. "It's his first day as a vampire, he'll sleep soundly. He also has to adjust to everything, including his vampire powers."

"Well, let's grab Willow then and get going, it's almost dawn," Cordy said impatiently. "These weird hours are wrecking my beauty sleep and Xander will be here with the van at any moment."

"Okay," Angel grinned and opened the door slowly. " Willow ? It's Angel."

Angel really wasn't surprised that no one answered him. His vampire eyes quickly made out the figures on the bed and he couldn't help but grin as he light a candle and heard Cordelia gasp.

Giles was on his back, still chained to the bed and Willow was lying with her head on his chest, halfway across the bed. A sheet was mixed in with their bodies so Cordy and Angel were spared the sight of some of Giles' more personal anatomy but they could clearly see Willow's bare body as she lay on her stomach.

Cordy thought her affair with Angel was intense until she saw Giles and Willow 's bodies. Each had fang marks on the neck and shoulders and Cordelia could see fang marks around one of Giles' nipples. Any further thoughts along those lines caused Cordy to shudder.

" Willow ," Angel called out again, reaching out slowly and shaking the red-head's shoulders.

Both Angel and Cordy got more than a glimpse of other bite marks on various parts of Willow 's body when she turned over with a growl and opened her eyes slowly.

"Oh hell," she muttered and tried to sit up, blinking in the candlelight.

"I remember when she wouldn't change in front of anyone in gym class," Cordy smirked.

Willow looked down at her nakedness and shrugged. "Too tired to care," she mumbled, reaching for clothes.

"Let's get this Twilight Zone show on the road," Cordy suggested.

" Wanna fill me in?" Willow complained as she finished dressing and pulled on her Doc Martins.

* * *

Buffy watched the sun rising over Sunnydale from her window. She had spent a sleepless night thinking about everything that had happened in less than a week's time. Riley, her husband, lover, and friend, was dead. Willow was back but she was a vampire; a good vampire but still a vampire. Giles was dead but now a vampire too and Faith was out of prison and wanted her.

Not to mention Tara and her new girlfriend being okay along with the rest of the Los Angeles group and Xander almost killed. It added up to one hell of a week in Sunnydale.

Buffy could hear the Watchers downstairs beginning to stir and knew they'd be making tea soon and approaching her about whatever it was they had planned.

For once the Slayer was unsure and more than a little nervous going into a battle.

She had written several letters during the sleepless hours and had hidden them in Dawn's old photo album. Buffy figured if she disappeared, Dawn would eventually look through the album for pictures of them together and would find the letters.

Letters to Dawn, Xander and Anya , Willow and Giles, Angel and Cordy , Tara and Tracy , and especially to Faith.

The Slayer had already packed a couple of overnight bags, just as the Watchers would expect her to do. Tucked away in her pocket was a laminated picture of the Scooby Gang, taken while Willow and Tara were still together. Before Tara left and Willow disappeared.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you last night, Will," Buffy whispered to the picture. "I'll make it up to you."

Buffy replaced the picture in her pocket and grabbed her bags and trotted down the stairs, mentally preparing herself for the acting she was about to be required to do.

Watcher Simpson nodded approvingly when he saw the bags in Buffy's hand and over her shoulder.

"Good, we can get an early start," he commented.

Watcher Fitzgerald looked up from his tea and nodded.

"So what's going to happen?" Buffy asked, reaching for the pot to make some coffee. She still hated tea. "Do I stay in hiding until Angel, Willow and Faith go away?"

"Well, we think they'll leave Sunnydale within a week if they can't find you," Simpson said slowly. "We've called in a Slayer trainee to cover the slaying duties around here until then."

"You'd send a trainee out against Angeleus?" Buffy almost shouted. "You tell me Willow still can do magic and Angeleus was awfully damned hard to kill and I'm the best Slayer you had, so you keep telling me."

"Well, you see, not only a Slayer trainee but a full Watcher strike team," Fitzgerald explained. "We'll track them down or they'll leave town."

Buffy tried to keep the worry from her face at the thought of her friends and family being tracked down and slaughtered. She had just found Willow and Faith again; she did not want to lose them.

"What will I do during the week?" Buffy asked and noticed the quick glances between the Watchers.

"Well, you'll be given some tests to determine if you're still at Slayer fitness and such," Simpson said slowly.

"Well, I ran a dojo, a fighting school," Buffy said absently, as if unconcerned. "I'm in the same physical shape."

"Excellent! Then it should go easy for you. We'll also spend the time with you, teaching you some of the Watcher history and such," Simpson smiled.

"Good," Buffy nodded and turned to the coffee, apparently totally in agreement with the plan while inside she was shaking badly. Thoughts of the Initiative and their experiments on demons, vampires and werewolves kept creeping into her mind.

"Okay," she said firmly. "When do we leave?"

"As soon as you finish your coffee," Fitzgerald said.

"You know, I am rather surprised at you, Buffy," Simpson commented.

"Why's that?"

"Faith killed your husband, tortured him rather brutally and you're just letting it go," Simpson said casually.

Buffy almost dropped her cup of coffee and turned her back to the Watchers.

"Riley…Riley will be avenged," Buffy said softly but loud enough for them to hear her. "I don't believe your strike team will find them and eventually Faith and the others will go back to LA. I'll follow them, hunt them down myself and slowly ram a stake down her throat!" The cup shattered in Buffy's hand.

Simpson and Fitzgerald were quickly on their feet, fussing over her, picking out china from her hand and wrapping it. They were also very convinced for her desire for revenge.

* * *

Xander grinned as Willow started down the stairs and when she caught sight of him, she squeaked and rushed down into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Xander! I thought you were dead!"

"Yeah, we thought you were lunch for some demon for two years," he smiled, holding her tightly. "You're my best friend, Willow , I never gave up hope."

"Thanks," Willow wiped at her happy tears as he sat her down on her feet. "They wouldn't let me talk to you," she said softly.

"Angel and Tara explained," he nodded. He looked around at the gathered fighters. "Let's move so the vamps can get in the back of the van before sunrise."

" Xan ," Willow said softly as everyone else began to move.

"I know," he said softly. "They told me you were attacked."

"I was killed, Xander," Willow corrected and winced at the pain in his eyes. "I've got my soul but I am still a vampire."

"If I can get along with Angel and Spike for years, I can get along with my best friend," he promised.

"And Giles," Willow added and Xander nodded.

"We'll start our own colony of vampires with souls," he joked as they headed to the door. "Buffy will kill me if she doesn't get a chance to hug you."

"She has to be alright, Xan ," Willow said softly. "I can't lose her after these years of hell."

"Yeah, we'll get her back, just like old times," Xander promised.

"In the old days I wasn't afraid of the sun," Willow muttered.

* * *

Buffy frowned as they pulled up to an old mansion very near Angel's mansion and wondered if the Watchers knew about her involvement with the two groups and were setting her up to be killed.

The Watchers didn't seem any more nervous than usual as they got out of the car and waited for Buffy to follow them.

The Slayer resisted glancing around; she had to trust that the LA and Scooby group had found a way to follow her.

Buffy's heart sank when Simpson walked up to the door and opened the non-descript mailbox to reveal a card key lock. He ran a card through it and waited patiently as the cracked wooden door slid away to reveal a metal door that opened a moment later.

"Initiative?" Buffy squeaked as she backed up a step.

"Who said the Initiative and the Council weren't the same?" Fitzgerald smirked and Buffy felt a sting at the back of her neck.

The Slayer spun and backhanded the Watcher, dropping her bags, she could lose the few clothes she had packed. Buffy heard Simpson shouting behind her and several pairs of feet tromping down the wooden stairs as she tried to run down the sidewalk.

Everything started spinning and Buffy yelped as she skidded on her hands and knees to the sidewalk. Rough hands grabbed her as everything went black.

* * *

"Oh my God!" Xander exclaimed as Initiative Shock soldiers ran out of the mansion, following the drugged Buffy and grabbing her as she fell unconscious.

"What?" Willow and Angel were demanding from the back.

"Looks like the Watchers have signed on with the Initiative and they just took Buffy," Xander growled.

"How the hell do we get into a complex?" Cordy snapped from the passenger seat. Both of them spotted Gunn and Tara running up to the van as it parked at the far end of the street from Tara 's car.

"I don't know!" Angel growled as he held Willow by the arms.

"Tara and I can blast the place," Willow growled as Xander rolled down the window.

"We saw, that's an Initiative complex, Gunn," Xander explained.

"Some kind of experiments on Buffy, but what?" Tara asked, almost breathless.

"Something about being a Slayer," Willow muttered behind the curtain. "They consider her expendable and a liability. Something unique about being a Slayer."

"They've been doing all kinds of tests on Slayers for years, trying to figure out what makes a Slayer different so they could create more," Wesley commented from the back where he sat with Angel, Tracy , Willow and Angel.

"Something different, something new," Angel pondered.

"DNA manipulation?" Willow suggested and Tracy and Wesley nodded in thought.

"Cloning?" Wesley added.

"Probably, they've cloned sheep and kittens," Willow agreed.

"That we know of," Angel growled. "Who know what's been done underground in those damned labs."

"Yeah, you never faced Adam," Willow grumbled.

"I'll second that!" Xander joined in from the front.

"Okay, Buffy will be unconscious for a little bit, everyone back to the mansion for more planning," Angel ordered. Tara and Gunn ran for the second car.

Willow tapped her foot impatiently, her eyes vampire yellow and angry.

"You can't stand out there in the sun and take the time to cast a spell," Angel pointed out.

"I know, it just hurts to leave her," Willow mumbled. "You have no idea what they did to me. Attitude adjustments with crosses against my skin, feeding me diseased blood to test my reactions, various levels of garlic, testing my resistance and starving me into a blood frenzy to keep my magic off balance."

"You didn't mention any of this earlier," Angel said softly.

"I didn't want to remember any of it," Willow shrugged. "We have to get her out of there or bring the place down."

"With Buffy in it?" Xander demanded from the front.

"If we have to!" Willow snapped back. "You have no idea!"

"Yeah I do, I saw Riley's body," Xander snapped back. "I was the one who had to shoot a guy to protect his wife and son. I'm the one who has to live with the sound of a man's head exploding because I shot him. We don't kill Buffy until there is no hope!"

"I'm sorry, Xan ," Willow said slowly.

"Good thing Faith is behaving herself," Wesley muttered, glad that Faith had elected to go with Gunn and Tara and not ride in the van. He had a feeling that Willow and Faith would be at each other's throats by this point.

* * *

Gunn and Tara skidded to a halt when they got back to the car.

"Oh damnit to hell!" Gunn shouted and Tara nodded in agreement.

Faith wasn't in the car and there was no sign of her.

"Should've put her on a leash!" Gunn shouted as he started the car.

"She'd probably like it from what I hear," Tara grumbled. She wanted back with Tracy .

* * *

Faith waited in the tree until the car and van were gone and then slowly lowered herself to the ground and began waiting. One thing prison had taught her, how to escape in her mind when she had nothing but time on her hands.

She could be as patient as death. Buffy was inside the building she was watching and she was going to get the other Slayer out of there or die trying.

* * *

Angel growled, Wesley shouted, Xander threw a plastic coke bottle across the room and Cordy just shook her head when they found out Faith was missing.

"She's going after Buffy," Willow said.

"Not likely," Wesley shook his head as Willow headed for the stairs, anxious to see Giles. "She'll be on the first bus out of town. She is rather self centered."

"She's also in love with Buffy," Willow countered as she reached the top of the stairs.

Wesley looked surprised but Angel nodded. "That's why the feelings between them were so intense."

"Either hate or love, look at me and Xander in high school," Cordelia nodded.

"So, we'll have to rescue both Buffy and Faith," Gunn complained.

"She might surprise you," Tara advised as Tracy hugged her.

* * *

"Get out Spike," Willow snapped when she opened the door to the room. Spike merely shrugged and left without a word as the witch ran across the room and gently checked Giles.

To a human observer, the ex-Watcher appeared dead. To a vampire, Willow could see the faint traces of vampiric life in him and sighed with relief. She crawled onto the bed and curled up next to him.

Willow hadn't wanted to let anyone know just how tired and weak she was but the truth was she wasn't sure how much magic she could work. She hadn't fed the night before and the exchange of blood with Giles didn't sustain her, she had let him feed last.

Willow was trusting Tara and Xander to know what she and Giles would want during the planning and Angel to come up with answers.

* * *

Buffy moaned and tried to turn over and frowned when she couldn't. She opened her eyes slowly and focused on a face standing over her. Buffy glared at Simpson as he watched her.

The Englishman smirked down at her as Buffy looked at the steel table she was restrained on. Her Slayer mind quickly took in the fact that the restraints were solid steel over her wrists and ankles and leather straps ran across her ribs and thighs.

"Don't bother," Simpson smiled a cold smile. "Those can hold demons and vampires, let alone Slayers."

Buffy tried to rise up and glance around.

"What?" he asked. "Not going to demand what's going on?"

"Why bother?" Buffy snapped. "Not that I'd believe anything you'd say."

"But isn't this the part where the bad guy tells the hero the evil plans?" he taunted.

"Why not?" Buffy suggested. "You've gone to a lot of trouble to isolate me from everyone, why?"

"Well, we've observed you and your friends," Simpson said, leaning against a government beige wall. "We knew they would never give up searching for you if you just disappeared. We needed to destroy your friends or their trust in you. With Angeleus back and Willow giving up on you, we've succeeded."

"Dawn and Anya will think Faith or Willow killed me," Buffy surmised. "And Willow and Faith will think I ran away because I couldn't face them and Angeleus."

"Exactly," Simpson nodded.

"Okay, you succeeded," Buffy snapped. "Why?"

"Well, we've made such remarkable strides in DNA mapping and cloning that we'd thought we'd give it a whirl with Slayers," he explained.

"Then why the elaborate production?" Buffy demanded. "You could do that from a blood sample."

"Yes, but we've found with the changes we're arranging for the fetus that the mother doesn't survive the pregnancy," Simpson went on.

"Since when do you care whether the mother survives or not?" Buffy snapped.

"Well, we need the mother to survive past at least the six month stage. The scientists and doctors theorize that a Slayer might be able to survive and be able to breed more."

Buffy felt her heart racing and a chill spread over her body as his words sank in.

"You want me to be a puppy mill?" she whispered and felt dizzy when Simpson smirked at her. "And if I fail, you figure that you'll capture Faith, right?"

"Well, you two are the only Slayers we have that are expendable," Simpson nodded.

"What kind of 'changes' are you doing to the children you're breeding?" Buffy demanded. "Other Slayers?"

"To answer one question, there are many Slayers, we just never tell any of you about each other. Hard to get a teenage girl to sacrifice herself if she isn't The Chosen One. The other question, we're mixing vampire DNA with Slayer DNA, almost as if a vampire impregnated a Slayer," Simpson explained. "We haven't had a successful birth yet but the scientists predict an immortal Slayer.”

"One that you can train to be the perfect Slayer from day one, right?"

"Exactly!" Simpson grinned.

"You can't keep me on this gurney for the next nine months!" Buffy protested.

"No, just long enough to impregnate you and then you'll be put in a small cell, very much like what Faith has been in. Small, metal, toilet, sink and a cot. Very charming."

Buffy felt a panic spreading over her as Simpson seemed to be losing interest in the discussion. That usually meant the bad stuff was about to happen in Sci-Fi movies.

"I thought the government shut the Initiative down," Buffy said, desperate to keep the conversation going.

"They were never in charge," Simpson smirked. "We're beyond any governments. We merely used them to help pay for some of our work."

"You're more than just the Watcher Council, aren't you?"

"We watch and train Slayers, we watch Immortals, and we control the future of the human race," Simpson bragged as he walked to the metal door and rapped on it. "Don't worry, the techs are preparing the embryo now. They'll inseminate you after doing the usual medical tests."

The door clanged shut behind him.

"Guys," Buffy muttered softly. "I don't think I ever needed you more than now! Please hurry."

* * *

Faith had waited patiently for three hours before someone finally exited the 'abandoned' mansion. The Slayer easily followed the man in the white coat around the house to find the yard in back had been turned into a large parking lot with a very tall fence to keep curious eyes out.

The man was unconscious before he hit the ground and never heard Faith behind him. The Slayer quickly and efficiently went through his pockets, taking his wallet, his money and unclipping his identification and card key from his jacket. Faith thought about it a moment and decided to take his white coat.

She removed his car keys and threw him in the trunk after taping his hands, feet and mouth with duct tape.

"Duct tape is like the Force, you know," she told the unconscious man as she shut the trunk. "It has a Dark side and a Light Side and it holds the universe together," she quipped.

"Now to wait for the others to show up and we go in and get Buffy back from these bastards," Faith muttered.

* * *

Willow woke up just before sunset as Angel opened the door. He smiled and set a different ice chest down by the door and walked out, leaving her alone with the still sleeping Giles.

"Come on, Giles," she said gently and began shaking her lover.

Giles was slow to wake up and shook his head as he threw his feet over the edge of the bed and sat up.

"Oh God, I don't think I ever slept so hard," he muttered.

"You haven't, my love," Willow smiled, wrapping her arms around him from behind. "How are you feeling?"

"Thoroughly sexed," he teased, holding her arms close to him as she nuzzled his neck. "Will it always be like that?"

Willow laughed softly and kissed his neck and one of the many bite marks.

"No, Angel says that was first blood lust," she answered. "It does ease up a bit but it'll still be very sensual on our end."

"Is that why you had sex with Spike?" he asked softly and felt Willow stiffen but held tightly to her arms.

"Giles," she stammered. "I was weak after they shot us and Spike fed me."

"It got sexual," he added.

"Yes but that's all it was," Willow tried to reassure her newly made vampire. "I still don't like him."

"You tried to warn me of this, didn't you?"

"As much as I could without scaring you off," Willow admitted. "We'll both probably be with others sexually, we might even invite them into the same bed with each other but it isn't going to touch how I feel about you and why I chose you as my mate."

"I'll try to understand and trust you," he said softly. "What's been happening since I died?"

Willow quickly filled him in as both of them dressed.

"So we go in and rescue Buffy and destroy the bastards this time?" he summed up the conversation as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Yes, and figure out how to keep them off our necks once we get out of there," Willow pointed out.

"I've got an idea on that, shall we go down and discuss it with the others?"

"Goddess, I love you," Willow smiled and leaned up to kiss her mate and dashed out the door as he reached for her. Willow's musical laugh bringing a smile to his face as he dashed out after her.

It was a way of Willow showing Giles some of his new powers and skills without him even thinking about it. As she hit the bottom of the stairs, Giles launched himself over the railing and landed on the floor next to her from the second floor. He laughed as he caught her up in his arms for a passionate kiss.

"How did that feel?" Willow asked when she drew back after a few moments.

"What? Kissing you? Like fire!" Giles muttered.

"No, sailing over the balcony and landing down here without even rattling your bones?" Willow pointed out.

Giles turned and looked up at where he had jumped from and blinked in surprise.

Spike's laugher greeted them as they turned towards the living area.

"Putting the old wanker through some new sport, eh pet?"

"Spike, shut up," Willow said simply.

"Game plan," Xander announced. "Best we came up with was screeching to a halt in front of the place, Will, Tara and Tracy hit it with magic, we rush in and rescue Buffy and get back out."

"Sounds good, fire power?" Giles questioned.

"Automatic rifles, Glock pistols, and flak vests from some demon contacts," Angel answered, pointing to the table of weaponry."

"Tara, it's cool?" Willow asked, knowing how Tara had once felt about her magic.

"Yes, we're okay with it," Tara nodded as she held Tracy's hand on a sofa. "You told us that you had been trained. We'll trust you."

"I do have an idea that will keep the Watchers off our backs once we get Buffy back and out of there," Giles added.

"I'm all ears," Angel said anxiously. "I'm not anxious to have the entire Watcher Council and every Slayer in the world looking for us.

"Have Willow hack into their computers, get the names and address of every Slayer and Watcher in the world," Giles suggested. "If they make any moves against us, we start making phone calls and their entire system falls apart."

"Excellent idea! Assured mutual destruction deterrent, isn't it called?" Willow grinned.

"Like that movie with Charles Bronson, if the Russians or Americans moved against him and Lee Remick , then they'd make phone calls and set off sleeper agents," Xander nodded.

"You watch too much TV," Giles complained.

"Let's do it!" Xander suggested as he moved for a rifle and vest. Gunn quickly grabbed up a shotgun and pistol with his vest.

Willow had to take Giles' hand once they got outside when he kept stopping to listen to the night and look at things through his new eyes. She laughed gently and pulled him to the van.

"Once we get there, stay behind me," she told him. "Things can be a little confusing at first."

"Alright, darling," Giles agreed.

"God, you two are disgusting!" Spike declared.

"Rack off, you Billy Idol wanna -be!" Giles snapped.

"What?" Spike growled. "Think because you've got fangs now you think you grew some brass?"

" Wanna find out why they called me Ripper?" Giles countered.

Both vampires were feeling very good, they had quickly drunk the blood packets left by Angel and Giles looked and felt young. Willow smirked at Spike and leaned against Giles' shoulder.

"Goddess, you guys are as bad as humans," Cordy complained.

"Yup!" Spike agreed. "Our fights even last longer."

"Why did you turn him?" Willow demanded from Angel.

"Good case of lust at the time," Angel smirked.

"Goddamn wankers , all of you!"

* * *

Buffy's eyes widened in rage and fear as she screamed around the gag they had rammed between her teeth. It had taken three techs to hold her legs once they had been freed. One doctor was unconscious against the wall from a well placed kick to his jaw and another was dead, his throat crushed by the same foot.

Another doctor waited as the techs wrestled her feet up into examination stirrups and held them there.

Buffy screamed again and then blinked when the doctor disappeared.

The techs were shouting and suddenly no one was holding her legs. Buffy quickly lowered them in time to see Faith smashing one of the techs across the nose with a night stick, breaking it and rendering him unconscious. Buffy raised her head and saw one of the other techs lying on the floor with his head at an unusual angle and the other one beside him, bleeding from a head wound. The third doctor was laying across the other two, also unconscious.

Faith moved like a cat and pushed the buttons that released the blonde Slayer and then worked the leather straps that remained as Buffy ripped the rubber piece out of her mouth and sat up.

"Oh thank God," Buffy whimpered and Faith moved to pull the blonde into her arms.

"I don't know what Frankenstein was doing there but you didn't look like you were enjoying it," Faith said softly.

"Definitely not!" Buffy agreed, trying to smile. "How did you get in?"

"Took some guys ID and just bluffed my way past the first guard, locked the second guard in a closet and took his night stick and then worked my way here," Faith explained. "See, fancy white coat with official looking ID on pocket, no one looks at faces in a place like this."

The brunette Slayer turned and began stripping the white doctor coat off the one with a broken jaw since it had less blood on it than the other two.

Buffy grabbed one of the techs and pulled his surgical trousers off and pulled them on. She then yanked his shirt off and threw her hospital gown away.

"Looking good there, B," Faith teased, getting more than a glimpse of Buffy's body. Buffy grinned and blushed at the same time.

"Flatterer," Buffy teased back.

"What say we take this up somewhere else and get out of here?" Faith suggested. "I figure the cavalry will be arriving shortly and we can leave in the confusion."

"Always a plan," Buffy agreed and grabbed Faith for a quick kiss before turning to the door.

* * *

The security guard at the front desk knew there was a reason the complex was on heightened alert but didn't worry. He knew nothing could get through the steel door and walls that the peeling and cracked boards of the mansion hid.

Werewolves and vampires had tried escaping before only to be stopped by the gas grenades released automatically in case of an emergency or the intense lights that were the equivalent of sunlight.

He usually found guard duty on the front desk somewhat enjoyable. No one ever came in that didn't belong so he could chit chat with the employees and spend the rest of the time reading a favorite book.

No one got through the steel door.

Until Willow and Tara joined hands and stared at the door and it changed its molecular structure into glass and Tracy blew it out with a magical blast much like a lightning bolt.

The security guard barely got to his feet and his gun never got out of the holster before Angel had him lifted off his feet by his throat. The vampire threw him across the room and Cordelia quickly grabbed the man's handcuffs and secured his wrists behind his back. She took the night stick for herself and threw the gun to Xander.

Gunn grabbed Angel as spotlights flipped on and Angel screamed in the brightness. The black warrior pulled his coat up over Angel, shielding him.

Xander lifted his automatic rifle and shot out the lights.

"The stairs!" he shouted. "Don't trust the elevator!"

Gunn dragged Angel towards the stairs as Willow and Giles rushed in through the doors with Spike.

Tara and Tracy followed with their pistols, guarding their retreat.

Willow glanced back at her former lover with a worried expression.

"Go!" Tara urged. "I've learned to fight!"

Willow nodded and grabbed Giles' hand.

* * *

Buffy and Faith made it up two flights of the underground complex before everything fell apart and sirens started blaring away.

"Sounds like the Scooby Gang is here," Faith muttered as they walked quickly along the corridor towards the next flight of stairs.

"Hey!" someone shouted.

Faith and Buffy looked back and saw three Initiative type soldiers in the corridor with them, guns aimed at their chests.

"You're not allowed on this level!"

"We heard the sirens and panicked, we're heading back up now," Buffy tried to bluff.

"Let me see those ID's!" the lead soldier demanded and both Slayers gauged the length of the corridor to the stairs and the weapons.

"Go for it?" Faith muttered, fumbling for her badge.

"Yeah, as soon as he lowers his rifle and begins walking this way," Buffy suggested. "The others won't fire around him."

"Now!" Faith shouted and Buffy turned to run along with the dark Slayer, twisting as she heard weapons being cocked. She threw herself around the corner as bullets whizzed by both of them.

"Stairs!" Buffy shouted as they dived through a door. "UP!"

The blonde Slayer was right behind Faith as they sprinted up the stairs, footsteps pounding behind them.

Bullets began ricocheting around them as Faith squeaked in surprise as one cut across a bicep.

Buffy started to ask if Faith was okay when something slammed into her back, knocking her forward into her would-be lover.

* * *


Angel and Spike were in front of the group heading down the stairs while Xander and Cordelia were going up in the opposite direction.

Willow and Giles were following behind Angel when they all heard the scream below them.

Angel roared and Spike growled as they almost flew down the stairs.

Willow grabbed Giles' hand as they followed.

* * *

Faith, even with Slayer reflexes, barely even saw the two vampires in black descending on her and Buffy as the soldiers stood over them. She instinctively leaned over Buffy, trying to protect her Slayer.

* * *

Willow saw Angel fighting two soldiers while a third one was down on the stairs, shaking his head. Spike was leaning against the wall as he held his head, howling in pain. Faith was bent over Buffy and looking frightened.

Faith sat up slightly and Willow saw blood flowing from Buffy's mouth and staining the front of the green surgical scrubs she was wearing. More blood was flowing from underneath the blonde Slayer.

Willow screamed in rage.



Next: Forgiven

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