Title: The Magic Box or How Anya Reacts
Series: Silken Robes, Silken Ropes Interlude 2
Author: Jerri Cocke
Rating: PG
Summary: Anya berates Giles for screwing with her sex life.
Disclaimer: Joss owns all, I own none. I do try not to break them to badly before I return them.
Distribution: If you have it, take it. If not, ask.
Giles looked up from behind the counter, as the door chime rang. "Ah....good morning, Anya. We have a busy day today. There's a new shipment of icons arriving this morning."
Anya scowled at him and curtly replied, "I'm not speaking to you."
Giles shot the brunette a puzzled look. "And to what do I owe this pleasure? Is it some obscure demon holiday of which noone has informed me?"
"Xander is so upset about you giving Willow orgasms that he isn't giving me any, and I don't understand why."
"Why Xander is upset, or why I'm giving Willow....Oh bloody hell. I thought Xander was all right with Willow's and my relationship."
"Well, he's not. He hasn't given me a single orgasm since he found out about the two of you. And I want it stopped. I want Xander to be happy. A happy Xander gives me many orgasms." The ex-demon started to dust the shelves vigorously.
"Er, Anya, I'm not going to end my relationship with Willow so that you can have, er, orgasms. Not to mention this is hardly the appropriate venue for this conversation."
"Well, why not?" Anya stared at Giles with a perplexed look.
"Because, this is a place of business"
"No, I mean why not end your 'relationship' with Willow?"
"Because, I love her." Giles looked at her, a faintly dangerous look in his eyes. "I never asked Xander, or you for that matter to stop seeing one another, so that I might have a pleasant personal life. I cannot for the life of me understand why you would think that you have the right to ask that of me." Giles stood and began to pace. "I am truly sorry that Xander has decided to take issue with my love for Willow, but I am not going to lose the woman I love more than life, itself, to gratify his problems with possessiveness."
Anya's eyes followed Giles path. *He looks like a caged tiger* "You really love her, don't you?"
He stopped dead in his tracks. "Anya," he looked her straight in the eye, "I would die for her, excepting that is much too easy. Instead, I will live for her."
A blush suffused Anya's pretty face. She looked at Giles with what appeared to be understanding. "I have to go now, I'll be back to help unpack the shipment."
"Where are you going?"
"To convince Xander that it is alright for you to give Willow orgasms, and to tell him to get his head out of his ass and give orgasms to me."
Next: Saving the World
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