Title: What A Day
Author: Katie
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et al.
Rating: PG - British System.
Feedback: Please.
Dedication: To Sharon, Happy Birthday!
Notes: Just a very quick fic. A study break fic. This hasn't been betaed, so mistakes are all mine.
Willow huffed and muttered under her breath as she fought to get her keys out of her bag. She dropped her text book on her foot, and with a cry of pain she began hopping on her other foot as she tried to ease the pain of her crushed toes and get the door open.
"Rupert." She yelled when it became obvious she was having no success. There was no answer, and Willow dropped her bag to the floor in defeat, taking care to ensure it missed her feet. Kneeling down, she finally retrieved her keys and thrust them into the lock. She opened the door with a sigh of relief. Her day had quite possibly been the worst ever. She had stumbled into class late, after allowing Rupert to persuade her to stay in bed. Then someone had knocked her water all over her at lunch, and she hadn't had time to go home and change, so she had sat through afternoon classes in wet clothes. She wanted nothing more than to curl up with Rupert and sleep the rest of the evening away. Birthday or no birthday.
"Rupert?" Willow called again as she entered the apartment. She fumbed for the lamp in the dark, wondering where he had got to.
"Surprise!" Willow jumped nervously, her arm knocking the lamp to the floor. Buffy and Riley stood at one end of the room, Xander and Anya at the other. Giles breached the gap in the middle.
"You can say that again." Willow murmered as she flipped the main light switch and bent to pick up the bits of the lamp.
"Let me." Giles moved over to her and crouched by her side.
"I can manage...ow." Willow drew her hand back and saw the blood begin to drip from her cut.
"Is it deep?" Giles asked as he helped her to her feet and led her into the bathroom.
"I don't think so." Willow couldn't see anything but the blood. She put her hand under the cold tap and hissed as the water hit the cut.
"Everything alright?" Buffy peered around the door.
"Yes. It shouldn't need stitches." Giles informed her as he retrieved the first aid kit.
"That's good." Willow remarked before reaching out towards Giles with her other hand in an attempt to steady herself. The attempted failed, and she closed her eyes as she fainted.
"Willow." Giles called her name as he felt her pulse. It was perfectly normal. He sighed in relief. She had just fainted.
"Ugh." Willow opened her eyes slowly.
"Hey Wills. Welcome back." Xander spoke first as they all crowded around her.
"Some space, please." Giles pushed them all back.
"How are you feeling?" He took her hand and gave it a squeeze.
"I'm fine. Did I faint?" Willow asked, shaking the last of the grogginess away.
"Yes. Must have been the blood." Giles smiled down at her.
"The things I've seen you disect, and you faint at the sight of blood." Xander shook his head.
"Xander." Buffy pulled him away. "Be nice."
"It's not just any blood." Willow protested. "It was mine. It should stay, you know, inside."
"A lot of people can't stand the sight of their own blood." Anya remarked. "There was this one man, I made him bleed for hours...what?" She asked when everyone gave her pointed looks.
"Not now honey." Xander informed her gently. "Save it for when Spike's here."
"At least he appreciates bloodshed." Anya muttered under her breath.
"Can I get up now?" Willow's voice brought their attention back to the matter at hand.
"Straight to bed, I think." Giles picked her up and moved towards the stairs. "We'll have to postpone the party."
"We'll just be off, then." Buffy dragged Riley towards the door, and Xander and Anya followed. Once they were all gone, Giles moved upstairs with Willow and deposited her gently on the bed.
"I've had an awful day." Willow turned towards him as he began to remove her clothes.
"Tell me about it?" He asked.
"Doesn't seem very important now. You make it all better." She sat up slightly as he slipped a t-shirt over her head.
"I have something that'll make it even better." Giles kissed her on the forehead before dashing down the stairs.
He returned five minuted later, carrying a tray laden with a cake, knife and two plates.
"Cake!" Willow's eyes lit up.
"I thought you'd like it." Giles sat down on the bed. "Blow out your candles." He ordered when he finished lighting them.
Willow did as she was told, wishing deep inside her heart. Giles took the knife and cut two generous pieces, before moving the tray to the bedside table and moving up the bed to sit beside Willow.
"Cake in bed." Willow smiled happily as she snuggled closer to Giles.
"Terribly decadent, but you're worth it." Giles slipped one arm around her as he balanced the plate on his lap.
"You know, this day hasn't been so bad after all."
"Happy Birthday, Willow."
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