“Right then. Let’s fight.”
I walk to the back with Dawn. “You wanna see me kick Spike’s ass?”
“More like, I’ll be kicking yours.” I smile ‘cause he’s right. “You’ve always fought defensively but to fight ‘Ralph’ and his minions you’ll have to learn to also attack. So come on and show me what you’ve got.”
Wow, now’s my shot at a free hit or kick at Spike. Who am I to turn that down?
I get into a fighting stance. I try not to think too much, which is my downfall while fighting. I need to trust the Slayer instincts and go with it. Since I’m smaller than Spike and don’t have the reach I aim for sweeping his feet out from under him and bringing him to my level. I spin like I’m going to roundhouse kick but go lower and catch him at the knees and he jumps right over my sweep. Oh yeah, I’m bad. Ok, screw this I’m gonna street fight dirty. I backhand him and then sucker punch him in the stomach. He doesn’t go down but hey my hits land, he doesn’t block them.
“That’s better. Now what if they come up behind you?” With that he turns me around so my back is to him and he grips me across my chest and around my throat.
Visions of Angelus and me in the school hallway go through my mind. I am thankful that I’ll not be that vulnerable again and do what I wanted to do then but wasn’t able to do. I put my hands on his arm that’s across my chest and let my weight sag. He’s not expecting this so when my knees buckle I lean forward and throw him over my shoulder. I straddle his chest and put my arm across his throat.
“That’s what I like to see, Spike thrown on his ass.”
“Angel! When did you get here?”
“Hi, little one. I just got here. Giles called me earlier to tell me about the Mage that came and your fight against the first evil. I thought I could help you train for the upcoming battles.”
“Don’t need your bleedin’ help.” I hear Spike mumble.
I lean down and whisper, “I need all the help I can get.”
“That’s true.” I stick my tongue out at him.
I get off of Spike and go give Angel a hug. “Where’s Cordelia?”
“She stayed to take care of the office. If she gets any visions she and Gunn can handle them. I think you’ll need the talents of the Scourge of Europe to help you in your fighting skills. So that’s why I thought I would help Spike with your training. Spike can show you how to fight dirty and fight to win and I’ll show you how to do mind games to throw off your opponent. A large part of fighting is mental. If you can throw your opponent’s balance off you have an easier time of landing a hit. Buffy’s quips and Spike’s comments are kind of the same thing.”
“Angel, I can’t quip or comment. I can’t think of witty things to say especially in the heat of battle. I’ll spaz.”
“That is why I’m going to teach you how Angelus played mind games. My way was more like chess moves and strategies and I know you’re good at that.”
I’m not sure that I agree with him. I think I’m going to spaz no matter what.
“You’ll be spending a lot of time with both your magick and Slaying training that when the time is right all your moves will become second nature to you.”
“I hope your right.” I hope I won’t be spending all my time training. I want some time to myself and definitely some time for Giles’ smoochies.
“How about instead of training in the back tonight we patrol and see if we can find you some nasties to street fight with?” Spike says.
“I’ll get everyone else and we can all go. If everyone is going to come with me to fight they’ll need to sharpen their skills, too.” It will be good for Dawn to get in practice, not that there is a chance in hell that I’ll let her go with me when we leave but she doesn’t have to know that.
Spike, Angel and I go back out front. I think I’ll gauge everyone’s ick factor where Giles and I are concerned. I come up behind him and put my arms around his waist and kiss him on the neck. Good, no gagging sounds.
“Giles, can you and Anya lock up early tonight? I thought we could all go patrolling and sharpen our fighting skills.”
He turns in my embrace and kisses me. “Good idea, we could all use more practical experience fighting.”
Instead of splitting into smaller groups like we normally do when patrolling we all stay together. Angel thought it would be easier to assess everyone’s fighting skills if we were all together.
Spike and Angel both decided they weren’t going to fight unless they were needed. That way they could watch everybody (in code that meant they were going to watch me and take notes in how better I could fight). Or in Spike’s case yell his critiques as I fight.
We came, we fought, we kicked some demon ass. We make a pretty good fighting machine. Even Spike thought so. It probably comes from so many years of fighting together. I was more on the offensive than defensive and Spike didn’t yell out too many critiques. All in all a good night patrolling. Tomorrow is weapons training. Angel is going to teach me sword fighting, Giles will teach me the staff and Spike is going to show me hand to hand fighting.
Never did I think I would ever be training like a warrior and preparing to go into battle. These lessons sure would have come in handy when I was growing up. Not for fighting the forces of darkness but for fighting Queen C and her sheep.
After saying goodbye to Spike and Angel as they walk Dawn back to the house, I walk Giles to his house. Time for some quality Giles’ smoochies.
Giles sits on the couch and pulls me onto his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me just below my ear. “You did very well today, love.”
“You weren’t so bad yourself.” I say as I turn my head for his kiss.
It was a gentle kiss that made the butterflies in my stomach dance. He pulled away to look in my eyes. I don’t know what he was looking for but he must have found it ‘cause he brought one hand up to tangle in my hair and bring me closer.
I turn on his lap so I’m facing him. This time the kiss explodes. I can’t seem to get enough of him and it seems he can’t get enough of me either. Our tongues invade and our hands roam. I can’t believe I’m here making out with Giles on his couch. This had been one of my fantasies in high school, well actually in the fantasy Angel was here, too.
Part 12
I wake up to the feel of Rupert’s hand caressing my back and my head is pillowed on his chest. Oh yeah, I could get used to waking up like this every morning. I look up at him and see him smile, “Morning”.
I rise up to give him a kiss. “Mmmmm. Morning.”
“I have to work in the store this morning so I can’t help you with the magick training today.”
“What time do you have to leave?”
He looks over at the clock on the nightstand. “About an hour.”
I roll further on top of him, “Plenty of time.”
“Not for what I want to do.” Ooh, I love it when Ripper comes out to play. “I need to take a shower . . . Join me?”
Don’t have to ask me twice!
“Morning, Londeyer. Are you ready to show me more lessons in magick?”
“Good morning, Willow. I thought today I would see how far along your telepathy skills are and show you how to call objects to you. Later I’ll show you how to travel interdimensionally. I talked to my brothers last night and they are most pleased with your progress. How did your fight training go last night?”
“It went very well. Angel, he’s another vampire, came and is going to help Spike with my training.”
“How is it that you are friends with these two vampires?”
“Well, Angel was given a soul a long time ago and has fought for the Powers. I met him about 5 years ago when he came to Sunnydale to help Buffy. I’ve known Spike a little less. He doesn’t have a soul but he was captured and was operated on so that he couldn’t hurt humans. It started out with him helping us for money then he gradually became one of our group.”
“So you were the one that gave Angel his soul, ‘she uses great magick to restore the soul of the damned’.”
“Well, I didn’t give him his soul. I kinda restored it after he lost it, long story.”
“Have you ever communicated telepathically with anyone?”
“Tara and I were able to a little bit, but I thought it was because she was a witch and we were close.”
“It’s easier when you’re starting to communicate that way to be able to do it with those that are closest to you. Relax and try to send a message to someone that you are close to and that they don’t have magickal abilities. I want to see if you’re able to communicate with others or just others with magick.”
I try to send a message to Xander. **Xander, how would you like to help me with my magick training?**
No answer. Hmm, should I try someone else?
**It doesn’t involve monkey’s paws does it?**
I laugh out loud. **Nope. I picked my bestest bud to see if I can communicate with my mind.**
**Well, then. Glad I could help. Hey, this is pretty cool. I wish you were able to do this in high school. I wouldn’t have had to study for any of my tests.**
**You didn’t study anyway for your tests.**
**I know but with you giving me the answers this way, I would have passed.**
**You’re such a goober. I wouldn’t have given you the answers.**
**Yeah probably not. You’d have made me study anyway.**
**Bye, Xan. See you tonight.**
“That was very good. Now, try it with someone that you aren’t that close to and over a distance.”
I thought about my parents since we’re not that close but I wasn’t sure with the whole blood tie thing if that counted as close. Then I thought of the perfect person. Wesley, he wouldn’t freak if he heard my voice in his head and we aren’t that particularly close. Besides, I’m sure Angel has told him about me by now.
**Wesley, care to help in an experiment?**
“Try harder, Willow. It takes more concentration over a greater distance and with someone you don’t have an emotional tie with.”
**Wesley, it’s Willow. Want to help in an experiment?**
**Willow? How long have you been able to communicate telepathically?**
**Counting now? About 20 minutes. That’s the experiment. I needed to pick someone that was a distance from me and no magickal abilities and I thought of you.** Not mentioning the no emotional ties part.
**I see your magickal training is coming along nicely. Angel had asked me to find out what I could about the first evil. I’m not having any luck, it is mostly rumors and conjectures.**
**Well, when you find anything on ‘Ralph’ you can just send me a message this way. Cuts down on the long distance bills.**
**Yep, that’s my name for the first evil. Not as scary with a normal name.**
** I see.**
Huh, who would have thought that Wesley could communicate his snottiness through thought?
**Thanks for the help with this experiment. Anything you want me to say to Angel for you?**
**No thank you. Just let him know that everyone here is doing well.**
I break the connection.
“You’ve done very well. Your telepathy skills are very good. You just never knew that you could do that. When you come with me back home we’ll try your skills with communicating to those in a different dimension. Want to try calling things to you?”
“Ok, what do I have to do?”
“We’ll start with the easy stuff. See that book on the counter . . . think about it and it should appear in your hand.”
I look at the book and hope this works. My training with Londeyer seems to come naturally to me. I’m not concentrating as hard as I do when I’m sparring with Spike.
I see the book disappear so I hold out my hand and I feel its weight just before it reappears. Wow, that was so cool. Just like “Charmed” but without the white light special effects.
“Very good. Now call something else to you. Not anything near by.”
I think of my watch that I had left at Rupert’s apartment. I visualize where I had left it on the nightstand and hold out my hand. Then I feel in on my hand. This is so cool.
“Okay, now we’re going to try interdimensional calling.”
Londeyer brings down his duffle bag. “I have another one just like this still at home. Concentrate on this bag and on me. See if you can bring my other bag from my home to yours.”
I turn so I can see both him and his bag. I concentrate and hope for the best. I feel the necklace that he gave me get warmer and there is a glow at my feet. When that dies down a little bit I see another duffle bag sitting next to the first one at Londeyer’s feet.
Oh my god, I actually called something to me from another dimension. I jump up and hug him.
“It worked. I can’t believe that it worked.”
“You are very powerful, Willow. All you needed was someone to guide you.” He reaches down into the bag that I called and pulls out a picture.
“This is my home. Want to see if you can visit it?”
Part 13
“This will test your skills and it may be a little too advanced for you. You’ll need to draw on my power and maybe Dawn’s. Try to do it without touching me but using my power and yours combined like you did with Giles when you created a barrier.”
“Okay. How do I travel to another dimension?”
“It is really quite easy to call a dimensional doorway. The trick is opening your mind and knowing which doorway to call. The necklace will help you find the doorway to my home.”
I couldn’t be so lucky as to have a telephone booth with Keanu Reeves in it could I? I’d even take a phone booth with George Carlin in it.
“Do you do what is called in your world yoga?”
“No, but Angel showed me how to do Tai Chi and that clears your mind.”
“I have heard of this Tai Chi. Ok, do your breathing exercises and clear your mind.”
I begin to go through the beginning of my exercises.
“Open your mind to the possibilities of other worlds. Visualize the possibilities.”
I begin to see flashes of other worlds and other dimensions. So many scenes pass before my eyes.
“Good. Now concentrate on the picture I showed you. See if you can see that doorway. Feel the magick in me and try to draw its power to you for your use.”
My senses become heightened and I can feel the magick in Londeyer. I visualize a tendril of energy coming from him and into me. I begin to feel the necklace glow as my power gets stronger.
“Very good, Willow. Do you see my world yet in your mind?”
“I think so. Are there big trees where you live?”
I see him smile “Yes there are. Okay, now hold your hand out and up.” He demonstrates what he means.
I do as he says and see a swirling light. It is like the light that Buffy fell into. I put my hand back down.
“There is nothing to be afraid of Willow. That is just how the doorways between worlds look. Not all are bad and not all are good. With your magick you should be able to sense if you were going into a demon realm.”
I put my hand back up and the doorway gets wider. I can begin to see more of the world that I am looking into. I look over at Londeyer. “Is this it?”
“You have done very well, Willow. Let’s go talk to my brothers.” With that he takes my hand and we step through the portal.
It’s a little disorienting at first. It’s like we slide through a wormhole and end up in a different world. I can’t believe I actually called a doorway to another world and here I am.
Londeyer’s world is beautiful. There are big trees all around like I’m in a nature preserve. The sky is a bright blue and the air is clear. I look over at Londeyer and see him smiling. “Happy to be home?”
“Oh yes, I’ve missed this. The Magi of this world are all brothers and sisters of nature. We can communicate not only with animals, like the wolf in my case but all of nature. Can you not hear them welcoming me home?”
I listen silently and can hear the trees talking to him and I look up and see a falcon overhead. I watch it for a little bit and it begins to swoop down. Londeyer says, “Hold up your arm.” I put my arm up and the falcon comes to rest on it. I feel the talons but they are only lightly touching me. I can’t believe I am standing here with a falcon on my arm.
“Try to communicate with it. Just use thought. Our warriors use falcons in battles. Aisling probably told them that I was going to try travel today and they sent him to see if you would come.”
I look at the bird and try. **Hello, I’m Willow.**
**Hello and welcome, Mistress Willow. It is an honor to finally meet the girl of fire. My warriors have been anxiously awaiting your arrival.**
OK this is a little weird. I feel like Dr. Doolittle but at least the animal and I aren’t talking out loud. The falcon turns his head to look at the mage. **Are you here long, Master Londeyer?**
**No, little one. This is just one of the many training exercises in magick that Willow is performing. We will meet another time with your warriors.**
The falcon turns to look at me one last time and then takes off.
“Try to talk telepathically to Aisling. I would like to see how your communications skills works with strangers.”
** Aisling, it’s Willow. Londeyer asks that I contact you.**
**Welcome, Sister Willow. I see that your lessons are coming along nicely.**
Just then there was a shimmering in the air and I assume Aisling appears before us.
“Willow, this is Aisling. He is the elder of my brethren.”
Aisling is breathtaking. How can he be the elder? He doesn’t look that old. He is tall and golden with long black hair that reaches to his waist. As Cordelia would say, ‘Hello salty goodness.’
“It is an honor to meet you, Willow. Your arrival has been told about for centuries.” He reaches for my hand, “May I?”
You betcha. “Sure.”
He takes my hand and closes his eyes. When he opens them again I see clouds swirling in the darkness of his eyes. “You have great power, Saetha. You have only begun to tap into it. One day you will be a great Mage in your world.” He closes his eyes again and releases my hand.
“Why did you call me Saetha?”
“That is fire in our ancient language and what we have always called the fire girl.”
“Better than Ralph” I mumble.
Londeyer laughs. “I will explain later, brother. Willow, try to communicate with someone from home. Now is as good a time as any to see if you can communicate interdimensionally yet.”
Of course I think of Rupert. I picture him and wish he were here with me during this little adventure. **Hey baby, can you hear me?**
**Hello luv. Xander said that you were experimenting with telepathic communication. How is it going?**
**Well, the experiment with Xander went well and so did the one with Wesley.**
**You talked to Wesley?**
I could tell that he seemed a little hurt that I tried to talk to Wesley before him. **Yeah, I had to pick someone that was a distance from me and that I had no emotional ties with and also no magick ability, so Wesley.**
**Ahh, you are doing very well in this. I had no idea that you had this talent.**
**Well, I could a little with Tara but never to this extent.**
** What do you mean by this extent?**
**Well, I opened a portal to Londeyer’s home and that’s where I am.**
**You mean that you are in his world, now?**
**Yep, pretty cool. In order to do this I picked the one person that I have the strongest tie with. I wish you were with me Rupert. This place is amazing.**
**I wish I were there with you, too.**
I break connection and look at the two Mages. “It worked, I was able to communicate with Giles.”
“When we return, Willow Aisling will be your teacher in the advanced practice of magick. He will teach you the shifting and teleporting.”
“Thank you Aisling. I look forward to your lessons.” Okay that sounded geeky. Why do I always spaz when there is a handsome person around? At least more than vowel sounds came out.
“Ready to return home?”
“This time try to open the doorway on your own. This should be easier since you are going home not coming to a dimension you’ve never been to before. Draw the magick from the earth or us if you need to.”
I hold my arm up with my palm cupped and visualize home. I see the swirling lights and the training room in the back of the shop. Angel and Spike are just staring at the swirling light so I turn and wave goodbye to Aisling and grab Londeyer’s hand. We walk through and go home.
Part 14
“Bloody hell.”
“Hi guys. Angel this is Londeyer.”
“Pleased to meet you Angel. Willow has told me much about you.”
“Willow, what was that?”
“Oh that. That was just the doorway to Londeyer’s home.” I tried to sound nonchalant like it was an everyday occurrence.
I feel strong arms around my waist and I lean back into Giles.
“Welcome home, luv. That was quite a light show, how was your adventure?”
I turn in his embrace and give him a quick kiss. “It was great. I wish you could have seen it. I was able to communicate with animals. Well an animal, I mean I talked telepathically to a falcon and I met the elder of the Magi.”
“Aisling was most impressed with Willow’s abilities.”
“Well are you ready for your weapons training?”
“Not really, but let’s give it a try.”
Angel walks over to where Giles keeps the weapons and picks up a sword. He tests its weight and goes through some movements with it. He is very graceful. “Come on and pick out a sword that you feel comfortable with.”
I whine in my head and I’m glad I haven’t opened a telepathic link. I try a few but they seem heavy. Giles walks up and lifts a different weapon, “Here try these. They can be used both offensively and defensively.”
Instead of a sword he hands me sais. They fit my hands more comfortably and I test their weight and twirl them around. “Thanks. I like these.”
“Just let your instincts take over. Think about your next move but don’t over think. Think of it as a giant chess match, try to think one step ahead of your opponent.”
Okay, I can do this. Don’t think about the heavy sharp object that Angel is twirling close to your body.
Angel sweeps the sword downward and I bring up the sais and block it.
“Very good. Now try offensive.”
I look for an opening and use the back end to punch Angel on the side. “That was very good, if you had used the sharp end you would have stabbed me.”
We spar for a while with Angel and Giles giving me tips as we fight.
“Ready to fight hand to hand with Spike?”
“Okay, you’ve fought with vampires and demons before so I know you can do this. This’ll be ‘no rules’ street fighting.” Spike says.
“No rules, huh? Do you think the demons I’ll be fighting will be male?”
Spike lifts his eyebrow, “Ok with me, one rule.”
I smirk.
“Right, then. Let’s go.”
Spike aims a punch at my head and I pull my head back so it barely misses. I try a kick to his stomach and he grabs my foot, I twist and hit him in the head with my other foot.
“Good hit.” I turn to say thanks and Spike hits me in the side of the head. Ouch!
“Always pay attention, luv. The bad guys are always going to be looking for an opening and they’ll take it.”
I glare and Spike smirks. I’m thinking a nice roundhouse kick will take that smirk right off his face. But I know him and he’ll be expecting something like that. I think of Angel’s advice of seeing fighting as a giant chess match and Spike’s advice to always look for your opening. I smile inwardly hoping Spike doesn’t suspect what I’m going to do.
I throw a punch to Spike’s head and he ducks like I knew he would so I bring my foot up at the same time and clip him on the chin. Yeah me!
We spar for a bit but I’m getting tired. I back away “I need a break guys.”
“Your fighting skills are coming along nicely.” Giles says.
“I think with her magick training we can leave in about a week. What do you think about her fighting skills, Giles?” Londeyer asks.
“Oh definitely. I think Willow will be ready for her advanced training in both areas in a few days. Just enough time that she will build up her strength in both areas.”
I smile and sit down next to Giles on the floor and rest my head on his shoulder.
“Tired, love?”
“Yeah. Who knew that interdimensional travel took a lot out of you? Angel, was it like this when you traveled to Lorne’s dimension?”
“Well, not really. I didn’t call a doorway, we used an incantation and we drove a car through the opening.”
I turn to Londeyer. “That reminds me, how are Spike and Angel going to be able to fight if the battle is during the day?”
“That will be no problem. Aisling can put a protection spell on them while they are there and sunlight won’t harm them.”
“Speaking of Aisling . . . how did he become your elder? He looks young.”
Londeyer smiles, “He is over 400 years old. We do not age like you do here.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”
“I am 350 years old.”
“Wow, you’re older than Angel.”
“Yes, but with vampires they are forever the age that they were turned. The years may pass but they never age. So, Angel and Spike will forever look like they are in their 20s. I will eventually get gray hair and wrinkles.”
“Have you decided who all will be coming with you when you leave?” Angel asks.
“Well, Dawn is definitely staying here.”
“What? Why?” Dawn asks from the doorway.
Shit. I didn’t know she was there. I was hoping to avoid this conversation until later.
Dawn walks further into the room and sits down opposite Giles and me.
“Well first of all I don’t want you missing school because of this.” I hold up my hand before she can interrupt. “I know that’s not a good enough reason.” I look her in the eye. “I can’t take the chance of you being captured and used to unlock any dimension or Hellhole.”
Dawn sadly nods her head. “Okay, makes sense. But I want to help, Willow.”
“I know you do Dawnie and you will help, a lot. I plan on using you in my fight with Ralph. I can draw energy through dimensions and I’ll need a lot when I fight him face to face. Anya will stay here with you so I can draw on her magick as well. Plus she can guard you if anything gets passed us into this realm.”
“What about Xander?”
I turn and look at Xander. “I’ll need soldier guy to help me with strategies and help me when I train with the other warriors. I’m not a fighter and I don’t have their mentality, I’ll need Xander to help me know how to band us all together. We’ll all have to fight like a cohesive group, the Magi and the Warriors. Londeyer says that has never happened before and I don’t know how to bring us all together.”
“Willow, it’s been a long time since I tapped into the soldier guy’s mentality. I don’t know if I can do that.”
I hold out my hand for him to take. “Come here.”
He puts his hand in mine and I look into his eyes. I open my telepathic link to him. **Trust me?**
**Open your mind and let soldier guy out. He is always with you Xander like Angel’s demon. He is just in the back of your mind right now.**
**He won’t take over like Angelus did will he?**
**No, he’s not separate from you like Angelus is separate from Angel. He’s just a different part of your personality. Let him blend with you.**
I feel Xander concentrate and then he sits a little straighter and his demeanor begins to be different.
“You okay, Xander?”
“Yeah, I feel the same but different. Does that make sense? I have all this knowledge of warfare but yet I know I’ve never fought in a war. Strange.”
Part 15
~A Week Later~
Everyone is gathered in the Summers’ living room watching me go through my last steps of magick training. Londeyer and Angel are trying to get through the barriers that I have around Xander and Giles. Londeyer is throwing magic fireballs at them and Angel is in vamp face trying to tear them down. Spike is attacking me from behind and I animate his duster that is lying near by to put a strangle hold on his arms.
“Enough” Londeyer says and everyone stops. I take the barriers down and turn to face Spike.
“Did you have to use my duster, Red?”
“Sorry, it was handy and the first thing I could think of.”
“It is time to go to my world, Willow.”
I go to hug Dawn goodbye. “You take care of yourself. I’ll keep in touch with you about everything that is going on. I won’t say goodbye ‘cause that sounds too final, I’ll see you later.”
I give Anya an awkward hug. “Take care of Dawnie and yourself. Hopefully Ralph won’t get by us but if he does, take Dawn to another dimension. Anywhere but here, okay?”
As everyone is saying their goodbyes I wait next to Londeyer. “Ready to go home?”
“Yes, I miss it very much though your world has been nice.”
“A nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live here, huh?”
“That says it very nicely.” He smiles. “I can’t wait to see your reaction to my house.”
He smiles shyly. “It’s a surprise that I think you’ll like.”
I turn to Spike and Angel, “Do you guys have the rings that Aisling sent?”
They both hold up their hands for me to see that they have them on.
“You sure the rings will work once we get to your world?” I would really hate for Spike and Angel to go poof as soon as we walk through the doorway.
“Yes, Aisling did the protection spell to only work in our world. He was afraid that the rings might get in the wrong hands here. As soon as they step through the doorway into my world they will activate.”
“Okay, everyone ready?”
I hold up my arms with my hands out and open the doorway. The swirling lights get brighter and the hole gets bigger. Giles steps up next to me and takes my hand. “Ready for an adventure, Rupert?”
“With you . . . always.”
We step through the portal and into a world that will battle the first evil.
I turn to see everyone come through the portal. When they are all here I raise my hands again and wave goodbye to Dawn before closing the doorway. “Is everyone alright?”
“Wow, that was quite a ride.” Xander says.
I don’t hear anything from Spike or Angel. I turn to make sure there aren’t any piles of dust anywhere and see them with their heads back and basking in the sunlight. I smile, “You guys doing ok?”
“Better than ok, luv. I haven’t been able to be in the sun like this for over a hundred years.” Spike laughs and picks me up and twirls me around. I giggle. I haven’t seen Spike so carefree in probably ever.
“I’ve forgotten what it feels like to have the sun on my skin. I was able to do this in Pyalea but my demon came out. My demon won’t come out here will it?”
“No, you are the same as in your world. You are just able to be in the Sun.” A new voice says.
Spike puts me down and stands in front of me. I move out from behind him, “Everybody this is Aisling.”
“Aisling this is Spike, Angel, Xander and Giles.” I say pointing to each one.
“Welcome to Paralda. Welcome home, brother”
Aisling and Londeyer both grasp each other by the forearm and smile.
Aisling walks over to Giles and holds out his forearm. Giles grasps it like he saw Londeyer do. “I sense magick in you. If you will permit me, I have an amulet like what Saetha wears that will enhance your magckical powers while here.”
“That is what we have always called the fire girl. I meant Willow.”
“Ah, yes. Thank you. I would be most honored to wear the amulet.”
Aisling smiles and slips it over Giles’ head. I feel the power in Giles get stronger. It is not as strong as my power but very close. “While I am teaching Willow how to shift and teleport Londeyer can teach you what he showed Willow in your world.”
“What about us, what are we to do while everyone else is magick training?” Spike asks.
Aisling smiles. “You will train with Laoch and his warriors. Willow will also join you in that training but the majority of her talents in the coming battle will be her magick.”
“When do I get to meet Laoch and the others?”
“The first training exercise is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Laoch wants to assess your fighting abilities. All of your fighting abilities not just Willow.”
“Do they know that Spike and Angel are vampires?”
“Yes they have been told. You have been hard at work in your world. If you are not too tired we have planned a feast in your honor tonight. Your coming has been foretold for millennia and everyone is very anxious to meet with you.”
“Thank you. I would be honored to meet the people of Paralda.”
“Come let’s go to my house and we can rest before the feast tonight.” Londeyer says.
I wave goodbye to Aisling as we follow behind Londeyer. He leads us into the forest with trees stretching as high as you can see and they are very big around. I don’t see anyplace for a house and I wonder where he is taking us.
He stops at the bottom of a very large tree and looks at me, “This is my home.”
I look around and think, where?
Londeyer laughs, “Look up, Willow.”
I look up and see a house integrated into the tree. You wouldn’t notice it unless you were looking for it. It is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. “How do you get up there?”
“You ask the tree permission and if granted they lower their branches for you to climb.” He places his hands on the trunk of the tree. **Hello, I have brought friends with me to stay a while.**
**Is she the one you spoke of?**
**Yes, this is Saetha.**
**I would be honored to house Saetha and her friends.**
The trees branches begin to lower and we climb up. “You were right Londeyer, this is a very nice surprise.”