Stories by M. Jade

Birthday Wishes - U
Summary: Giles helps Willow celebrater her birthday with a song.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Black Magic Woman - PG
Summary: Giles reacts to Willow's relationship with Tara.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

The Bloody Hell Factor - PG
Summary: A continuation of "Black Magic Woman"
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Candy Kisses and Gold Foil Hearts - 12
Summary: It's Valentine's Day in Sunnydale
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Coming In Out of the Rain - 12
Summary: Willow comes in out of the rain.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Crossfire - 12
Summary: Fanfiction meets Sir Joss's timeline when “Unexpected” character Michaela meets up with the current timeline
Chapter: Pro-4
Status: Incomplete?

Fangirl - PG
Summary: Willow thinks about how her life may have been as she watches Giles sing.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Feeling Better, the Bunny Way - U
Summary: Fluff involving a stuffed rabbit.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy - 12
Summary: What happens after the events of “Candy Kisses and Gold Foil Hearts”
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Hot Summer Night - 12
Summary: Late night research + heat wave = ?
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

I'll Be - U
Summary: Giles writes in his journal.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

I'm Kissing You - U
Summary: Giles has a question for Willow, and fluff ensues.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

In the Summertime - 12
Summary: Willow reflects on an eventful summer.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

One Night - 12
Summary: Giles reflects on one unusual evening.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Poetry Reading (Companion Piece to "What Would Happen?") - 12
Summary: Willow attends a poetry reading, with some interesting twists.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

The Promise of Forever - U
Summary: The Oracles aren't for Los Angeles any more
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Tension - 12
Summary: After a late night research session on Halloween, Giles gives Willow some lessons in tension relief.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

What Would Happen (Companion Piece to "Poetry Reading") - PG
Summary: Giles has an interesting dream...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

When In Fanfic Land - PG
Summary: Giles gives his views on the genres of fanfic.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Years Gone By - 12
Summary: Willow is waiting for perfection - and finds that sometimes perfect is all it's meant to be.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete











Disclaimer: Willow, Giles and any other characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel the Series belong
to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, David Greenwalt, WB, UPN, Fox, etc. No copyright infringement is
intended. This site is purely for entertainment purposes - for the fans, by the fans.