Title: Love Sucks
Author: SSidle
Rating: U
E-mail: brennabones@yahoo.com or brennabones@hotmail.com
Summary: Willow's arguing with herself again
Disclaimer: just borrowing
Author's Notes: let me know if you want me to continue
Website: myspace.com/brennabones or myspace.com/willowgilesforever   

This is ridiculous! Here I am, arguing with myself again. About him, always about him. I've trying to convince myself for years that we could never be. That I should just move on. But it hasn't helped. I still love him. I can't help it. Society would frown upon it. He's too old. I'm too young. We've known each other for too long. He's supposed to be a father figure. We'd ruin our friendship. Our lives are too dangerous. His job's unsteady. The list goes on and on. But they're all tired excuses. I've tried them many times, it never helps. I still want him.   

The rest of the Scoobies would freak. Buffy and I are like sisters. He's like a father to her. She would see it like incest. Xander's overprotective. What would he do if he “had” to protect me from one of our own? It would give them all the wiggins. I don't care. It still doesn't make me want him any less.   

There's always just one thing that prevents me from telling him how I feel. The one thing that has caused my heart to break again and again. He doesn't feel the same. He thinks of me like a daughter. Well, I'm pretty sure he does, he's never given any indication that he feels differently. If only I could change him mind. I want him so much, I just wish he could feel the same. I know that I'm not just going to get over him, it's been too long. So all I can do is wait and hope. It's not fair. They lie. All is not fair in love or war. I would know. I've waited so long for him and he still doesn't care. I guess I'm just ‘hopelessly devoted' to him. Love sucks!


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