Title: Man of Her Dreams
Author: Shawna
e-mail: smkraus1@juno.com
couple: Giles/Willow
summery: Willow is dreaming
rating: PG
disclaimer: Willow and Giles belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, and the WB network.
distribution: Strange Brew if they want it...anyone else please ask...
Feedback: Yes, please...NO flames
spoiler: None
note: Everyone on this list is the coolest...Thank you so much for the encouragement to keep writing...Your words mean a lot to me so Thank You....Also I do have some more stories in mind and they do have plots...just slow going...I truly hope you enjoy this one...If not I understand...Thank you again...Enjoy...

Willow was dreaming. She knew she was dreaming.

Many things told her that she was dreaming. She didn't own a dark blue ball gown. Plus, she didn't know how to waltz.

It was a wonderful dream, only because of who she was dreaming of...

She use to dream about Xander, sometimes even Oz....

Lately, only one man was taking up her nightly dreams....Each dream was different...Unique...Wonderful...

As unique and wonderful as the man holding her in his arms.

They were strong arms...loving arms...

The man holding her was so handsome...so sexy.

Willow had never seen a man look at her with such love and devotion...

Giles was in a tuxedo. He looked smashing...Her own prince charming.

Willow had to smile....

In her dream, she whispered, "I love you."

Suddenly, they stopped dancing.

Giles loving cupped her face in his hands. He bent slowly until his lips were only a breath away from her own.

"I love you, too, Willow."

His lips fell upon hers.

Willow couldn't think.

The kiss was passionate. Full of fire...Yet, full of gentleness. Truly spectacular...

Willow moaned...

Giles arms tighten around her...His lips left hers to travel to other various places along her body.

"Giles...Oh, Giles."

"Call me, Rupert, my love..."


"Willow?...Willow, my love.."


"Willow, wake up, love...Your dreaming."

"I know...'Don't warn the tadpoles'...Rupert, let me get back to my dream."

She snuggled deeper into the blankets and tighten her arms around the man of her dreams.

She felt Giles move and felt him give her sweet kisses along her forehead..then her cheeks...Then her lips....

Oh, the kiss was heavenly. The kiss was so good...Willow felt heat go down her spine.

Giles lifted his lips from hers...

"Daring, isn't reality better?" Giles whispered to Willow in his oh, so sexy voice.

"I don't know, Rupert, the man in my dreams really knew how to kiss."

Willow could see Giles give her a Ripper smile...For the moon was shining brightly into their bedroom...With a twinkle in his eyes he asked...

"Is that a challenge?"

"Do you have to ask, my love?"

Giles lowered his head again to meet her lips...He was determined to show her that reality was better.

And he did...


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