Stories by Shawna

No Website

Always - PG
Summary: Willow and Giles are late to a party...Takes place in the future..
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Always, My Love - 12
Summary: A Sequel to Always. Takes place in the future...Willow is pregnant.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Every Little Thing - PG
Summary: Giles tries to ask Willow a question...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Finger Painting - PG
Summary: Hmmm...Hard to explain....The title says a lot...Trust me...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Happy Birthday Giles! - 12A
Summary: This is kinda of silly and weird..But then, if you read my stories. Giles tells the gang a *big* secret...And it's his birthday....
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Honeymoon - 12
Summary: The title explains alot. Willow and Giles are one their Honeymoon. What? No! It isn't that type of fic.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

I Hate Danseal Demons - 12
Summary: Giles gets hurt...And Willow gives him some TLC..Kinda suspenseful isn't it? <g>
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Just A Little Disagreement - 12
Summary: Takes place after 4th season Pangs...Willow and Giles have a little disagreement...How I wish things had turned out...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Life - 12
Summary: This takes place in the future...A silly fic...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Man of Her Dreams - PG
Summary: Willow is dreaming
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

My True Love - 12
Summary: Willow starts receiving gifts...But will she get the one gift she truly longs for? Kinda suspenseful isn't it...<g>
Chapter 1-7
Status: Complete

No - 12
Summary: This silly story takes place a little into the future...Giles says no...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

An Old Watcher and An Old Wicca - 12
Summary: Willow grieves for a dead friend.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Pictures - 12
Summary: Pictures are worth a thousand words. Buffy and Xander try to show Willow and Giles what they've been seeing.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Please and Thank You - 18
Summary: Very hard to explain. But mostly it's about Willow and Giles getting together....
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Questions - 12
Summary: Set in the future...Giles and Willow deal with questions.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Sort of New - 12
Summary: Willow gets something new, well, new to her anyway...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Surprise Upon Surprise - PG
Summary: Something is wrong
Chapter: 1-7
Status: Complete

Sweet Revenge - 12
Summary: Hmmm...Hard to explain....The title says a lot...Trust me...
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

Talking to the Wind - 12
Summary: Willow and Giles find out how they feel about each other.
Chapter: 1-3
Status: Complete

A Thanksgiving To Remember - 12
Summary: Hmmm...It is kind of hard to say...Put the title says a lot...As so it involves Willow and Giles getting some unseen help....
Chapter 1-5
Status: Complete

That's Not Natural - PG
Summary: Willow and Giles are taking a bath...Set in the future.
Chapter: 1
Status: Complete

The Zanic Spell - 12
Summary: Willow does a spell..and later meets Ripper
Chapter: 1-6 | 7-12
Status: Complete











Disclaimer: Willow, Giles and any other characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel the Series belong
to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, David Greenwalt, WB, UPN, Fox, etc. No copyright infringement is
intended. This site is purely for entertainment purposes - for the fans, by the fans.